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A member registered Apr 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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If we are talking about Windows here, it will "flag" any unsigned exe downloaded from the internet, as potentially malicious.

That being said, there are ways around it.
You can wrap it in an installer. and sign yourself as a developer. Or try to make your players to use itch launcher as it voids this issue.

But if some antivirus software is flagging it as malware that is a completely different animal and I do not know much about it.

I am going to write a script to test it!


Love the game Play.
Love the visuals.
Music is awesome and fits like a glove.

All in all a cool game.


If there is a "Pet the dog 100 times achievement" it's broken :)

An interesting approach to "Space shooter" I mean this is chicken invaders but you shoot quarters and bitcoin from your wallet.

The game runs just fine, it's fun to play visuals aesthetics are interesting at the least. You don't see a thing like this often and it does have a unique almost Monty Python quality to it.

That being said, I do not know is it me or my pc or it is intentional but I did not get any sound out of it. Not a huge issue for me just an observation.
And one more thing I would like to see, again, is the fullscreen mode. 

All in all, it's a cool game Keep up the good work @40wattstudio

Thanks for playing, and for the feedback you gave me here. I will try to address some of your observations here.
So... About body parts... it's not a fetish or something it just happened :) I mean Bigfoot, and "Music to my ears" I can't help it, but go for the "as literal as possible" approach.  :) 

About the volume level, I think you just did not notice the "subtility" of volume control/health or I am trash at programming stuff like that XD But yes for a fact it is reducing/increasing volume and your health at the same time.

About the levels yes for a fact they theoretically go indefinitely or until you lose all volume due to exposure to loud noises :) 
Also at one point, it reaches "Terminal velocity" and stop speeding up but it is really hard to keep up with that tempo you can reach it but won't last for too long.|
about font style in credits, I must say I AM SORRY, I wasn't thinking at all, it should've been some normal font not this...

Anyways thanks for the feedback I love it I will take it into consideration in the future it means a lot!

Thanks for that! Hope it helps in future :) 

It is easy for me. As I am lazy. So I try to figure out the first thing that comes to my mind. And go as literal as possible. Sometimes it's fun and it sticks and sometimes it straight out stupid. :)

This is really cool, and i can say that for me it seems like really advanced programming stuff, I know it's an API and a well-documented one, but still. Pat yourself on the back as you are doing some really awesome stuff!

Thanks a lot!

Hey Thanks for playing, I am glad you had fun!
I will be fixing some bugs in the future.

Cool cool, after that it gets a bit harder.

Music For My Ears

Hand-drawn assets! 29 awesome songs played in the background.


Choose your flavour and post me a screenshot of your highest score! Social media links are in the game!

Control ear by pressing W or S or Arrow UP and Arrow DOWN keys!

What was your highest score?

Thank you, Austin, I am glad you like it!

Hey, You are getting me wrong.
For Laser Rage it makes sense! I was opening a wider debate on God mode for all games. That's all.

Well, there i see a large debate. I mean look at the Souls games, or Bloodborne, anything from those guys, If you had a God mode in those...

It would lose it's special flavor. When i say flavor i mean taste of burning rubber in your mouth, while getting owned by, well by everything...

I am not sure there is enough characters here for all I have to say about it. 🙈🐵🙈🐵🙈🙈🐵😂🤣😂🤣😂🔥

Yeah God mode is  agreeable! I Love it!

This is really cool idea, I love it.
Like the music, I like the graphics and the curving of the gameplay area it's a nice effect.
 And what I am not fond of is the fact that it is god damn hard.
Or I  suck at playing it. 

Anyways Good job! 

I am glad you still like stinky feet! 😂🤣😂 As for the checkpoint system, it is in the "pipeline".

I promise to include some sort of "life" mechanic in order to restart at the same level and also continue where you left of in another session.

Thank you for playing!

Hey, thanks for your feedback and taking time to play it.

As for the levels at this point there are 5 levels if I am not mistaking 😀 i just did not have time to play test more and i did not want to post something untested.

At this point i am working on some new visuals, and game mechanics. 

And i would love to be able to draw what you are describing, but I am not.

This is getting better!

Thank you MrBacon,  I am glad that you like it!
I am planning to add more content to in the near future. 
And as for the Mac version, it is a funny story, I do not own a mac and unity cloud build is an awesome thing! 

Yeah I did not have time to build tutorial levels, but In near future I will update the project with new enemies and tutorial levels.
I am also thinking of some cutsceens XD 

I an not really a fan of click like insane games but this one is enjoyable as it has cool music in the bg and nice animations! Good job!

By far the best game from this jam!

Hey thx a lot, as a matter of  fact i am planing to port it to android, ios, and linux.

This will be fun!

Sensitivity for the keyboard input seems way to fast for me, is it multiplied by Time.DeltaTime?
It it is i would consider dividing it by 2 as this is way to fast at least for me.

I would like to have some visual and audio feedback on when i collect a candy something to know that i scored.

At times it was generally difficult for me to track multiple candy peaces falling, as the bg snow effects are a bit much for my taste, maybe try changing contrast between bg and game peaces by slowing down the snow fall speed to make it more distinguishable from the foreground.

On the upper side i love the theme, and the implementation of the idea.
Music is fun and fits the theme.
The game is fun and challenging, and i loved it.
Great job.
Also my high score was 38.  
Great job and good luck!

Thank you for your kind words :) 
I will do my best to be a productive part of this community!

Thx for that i will take a look in those assets, and i completely forgot to do any anchoring so it is miracle that there are any buttons on your screen XD XD XD

Thx for playing Stinky feet XD 
I am taking your feedback and treating it as gold thank you!

Looking forward! 

Yeah, about the mac version, i am using unity cloud to build it and it has been acting out a bit, maby i misconfigured something. Probably did. I will try and fix it. There is no music, as i tried to add a fef things that were out there for free but non really fits the gofenyes so i wil need to make something my self :) I am glad taht you like the idea and i am taking notes from here and will make improvements.

I mean, the theme was "Bigfoot" XD I am glad you liked it! Yeah and the sound effects are me on my low end headset.

Thanks for playing!

Thank you!

(1 edit)

Wow. No i am serious wow! 

Hey, thx for the feedback, I will look for a way to improve on those aspects in future. Thank you again!

(1 edit)

Block Annihilator

My love letter to arcade games with what i find to be a cool music background and visuals that are well they look like this:



    It looks great
    It plays well
    It is a relaxing 
    Idk i love palying it


     There are none it is perfect XD
     Just kidding it could use some more levels (only 30 at this point)
     Maybe a better GUI with more options
     You tel me what the cons are i guess...

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