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Journey of a werewolf game

Huum, let's be honest I always wanted a neat werewolf game. Not a violent one with exceeding gore and guts. I want to cuddle these fluffy big bois and that's all!

The boi

Basically, I wanted to make a stealth/dating game for a long time. You wander in the city, evading dumb police robots to meet other people and... well I let you imagine UwU I'm making NSFW games after all! But I won't focus too much on the sex this time, I want to make a satisfying werewolf simulator first without the boring gritty bearded white hero for once.

Look at my boi <3

You can watch some footage here:

The city

I made a lot of prototypes experimenting with a stylized 3d look and now I really wanna finish and publish a small experiment. So here I am, having fun making a ton of weird Unity shadergraph materials, testing odd asset store products, etc.

I combined a screen-spaced curvature plugin with a shader for procedural worn edges, and that's neat!

I mixed a parallax effect in the background with a picture on top for this windows stores effect.
Now I just need a depth map and it picks a random layer for the stickers from a big spritesheet.

And all of that for the Werewolf Jam! I wish I'll finish it in time so you can play with this good boi X)

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Ended 2023-05-05T21:00:00Z ago
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honestly would have found this more interesting if it was a prey v pred style of gameplay

basicly the werewolf would stalk around and then when you change into the warewolf you could speed up or jump around maybe like a among us style gameplay but for adults have the warewolf hunt changing from human to ware and the humans need to complete tasks

but you get some lewd content if you get caught

maybe with two modes


and caught

hunted being perma death once you get lewded you basicly die

with caught being more of the ware binding your arms and knocking you out from the lewd fun


I try to stay as far as possible from any gameplay that mixes sex and violence UwU

But I started thinking about some chase mechanics and turns out it was to complicated to develop within a month! 

i mean fair i mean the reason why i say if someone is comfortable is because i think devs shouldint be locked behind taboos and if someone wants to make a dark gross horiable game then they should be able to as the money talks you know what i mean so people who dont like said content will avoid it like the plauge and well people i think forget that people need money to survive and keep making games

i give these ideas as i personaly feel more feral then a normal person and i have a wierd mix of rape fetishes relating to me and a warrior goddess

im male and yes im a sub

but this also means i see the greatness of domination and aggressive people over someone who enjoys it

and well some people dont think its rape i go off the definition not someones bs rules for what rape "means"

either way tis fair your not ok with designing stuff like that

honestly story also helps when dealing with sex and violence as for example the people in dbd dont consent to be in that arena buuuuuuut

you could always make the same idea but with a god or goddess giving the people who win a reward

its much more then just designing a game but a world and well i do find some issues with your games be they lacking or just plain i still can admire your overall art work

currently ive played 2-3 of your overall games

honestly i personaly hated people who try to be good but they say a 2d person is a child but you look up the story to find out their some god or something and then they act like dwarfs irl are fine

me: -_- bitch please

honestly these people need to relise all their doing by saying its not ok because 2d is such a stupid statement its like if you insulted someone who's a dwarf irl and calling them young tis both rude and stupid


Always liked the idea of the unfortunate werewolf ... not being violent, just looking for love. More like a puppy, just looking for belly scritches :D

Absolutelyyyy! X)

(3 edits)

oh eso se ve interesante XD.

tanto verte en tus proyectos me animo a intentar hacer los míos.

ahorita conseguí el pixel game marker mv me toca buscar algunas guías y tutoriales para aprender lo básico,

 para cuando tenga algo de tiempo libre intente hacer algo XD.

Thank youuu! 

Espero que te diviertas, ¡eso es lo más importante en este tipo de proyectos!