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Q&A - Ask Questions Here Sticky

A topic by drdrub created Feb 23, 2022 Views: 474 Replies: 24
Viewing posts 1 to 13

Have any questions about the jam? This is a thread for us to answer them. Drop your questions below!


Is there a limit to what type of game it is and what can be in it? Also, are we allowed to use pre made models on a pre made engine or is there a specific style we need to use?


Games can be any type of game, no restrictions.

You can use pre made assets/models, just disclose that you didn’t create those on your game’s page. 

You can use any engine you want. 

There will be an optional theme to inspire you to create, but it’s not a requirement!


Awesome! Thanks!

Will the optional theme be announced next week before or when the jam begins?


The theme will be announced on our main page, when the game jam starts on March 26th at 10:00 AM EST!

Are we suppose to upload a student certificate somewhere?


We're not verifying any student statuses as of this moment. 👍

If you win a prize, we may potentially ask you for some form of student identification before we send it to you.

How about college dropouts. Do we count?


Hm. Well, we're running this game jam just for college students so that we have an even playing field for beginners to compete. But I don't want to discourage anyone from not participating! And realistically, if you're a recent dropout you have no significant advantage, other than more free time.

Therefore, my ruling is this:

Dropouts are welcome to participate!


Hi! I'm not from the US and I'm not 100% clear with the education and college culture there. Is this jam open for me, as an undergraduate student in a university (I major in Musicology)? It's equivalent to being a college student, right? Just wanted to make sure, thanks


Yup! I myself am an undergraduate student. 

College student = undergraduate student. Just a different way to refer to the same thing.


Can  I take part?

I am 13 years old.Not so bad at programming but not and so good.


This jam is limited to college students mainly to stop industry professionals from dominating a competition for beginners.

You can participate! You might not be eligible for prizes however.


Ok, thx so much.

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit)

Hi! Do you got a discord server or such, might be fun sharing and seeing other people's progress, and discussing ideas and such.


No, unfortunately no discord server this time. In the future we will probably make one!


When I upload my game in game jam can also I upload my game in my account?


When you upload your game, it is put on a link specific to your account. So the game will always be linked to your account!

Your “submission” is just a hyperlink from the jam to your account page, where your game is located :)


Ok, thx

Submitted (1 edit)

Can I upload a downloadable file for my game and an HTML or only one of them?

HostSubmitted should let you upload it in several ways. I recommend HTML if possible, but you'll also be able to upload a downloadable version as well.


Are we allowed to rate our own submissions?


No.If you try you you probably gonna see this:This is your submission, you are not allowed to rate it. Other participants of the jam will be able to rate your project here.


Ah got it.  I didn't try hence my question lol. Didn't want to be that guy who rated his own stuff when it's not allowed.