Less buggy updated build: https://sonictimm.itch.io/hush-hush-secret-build-of-dead-line
Once the jam evaluation period ends, that page will be deleted and the updated version added to the main game page.
Team Name
The Conductors
Game Name
Dead Line
Link to Gameplay Footage
List any content that was created before the jam.
Unreal Marketplace Assets:
First Person Story Adventure Template
palinoia interactive
Particle Text
Killer Refresh Entertainment
Animalia - German Shepherd
Warp Effect
Realistic Starter VFX Pack Vol 2
Font Attribution:
Seagram's font is free for personal use.
Direct link: http://truefonts.blogspot.com/2012/12/seagram-font.html
blog: http://truefonts.blogspot.com/
Are you entering as a student team?
Which Engine version did you use to create your entry?
Gameplay Instructions
You are a train engineer who has died on the job, and your train is going to crash.
Wander the railyard as a ghost and attempt to prevent the tragedy.
Nobody can see or hear you, except when you talk to them through a mysterious telephone.
Movement – WASD to walk, hold Shift to Strafe, Space to Jump
Left Mouse Button – Interact with world objects, advance dialogue
Cursor Movement – Look around
Use 7-zip to decompress all files, and run the “BillAndDead.exe” application.
What platform is your game built for?
Less buggy updated build: https://sonictimm.itch.io/hush-hush-secret-build-of-dead-line
Once the jam evaluation period ends, that page will be deleted and the updated version added to the main game page.
In general I liked the visuals; and the puzzle was relatively simple to solve - but I liked that there was a few deviations from just finding the next number to call. At the same time the numbers could have been a bit more hidden or not stood out quite as much. The running back and forth became a bit too tedious for my liking, but overall an enjoyable little game
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