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A member registered Jan 01, 2017 · View creator page →

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I rReally like the concept, I was only able to try it out in single player mode - but I did quite enjoy it. The placement/picking up of items could be a bit more forgiving - but otherwise a great little game with a nice style

Thanks for giving it a play, glad you enjoyed it

I like the concept - the puzzles and mechanics are fairly easy to understand- the frame rate and performance makes it somewhat difficult to play, but otherwise an enjoyable short little game

Really fun and simple, easy to pickup and a nice gradual increase in difficulty

Simple and fun - took me a moment to realise what I had to do and the layout of the ports and their numbering took some getting used to, but overall quite enjoyable

Fun and simple little game - easy to pickup and play. I would have maybe liked the colours of the blocks to correspond to the colours of the ABXY buttons so I didn't have to keep referring to the key in the corner. About halfway through I realised I could just spam all the buttons and missed shots wouldn't have any negative impact on my score

A fun little game, very easy to pick up and figure out what you hade to do; although spamming buttons became tiresome rather quickly. The camera was a bit unwieldly too, it could have done with a limited range of movement  and/or smoother movement - but overall rather enjoyable for a quick game

In general I liked the visuals; and the puzzle was relatively simple to solve - but I liked that there was a few deviations from just finding the next number to call. At the same time the numbers could have been a bit more hidden or not stood out quite as much. The running back and forth became a bit too tedious for my liking, but overall an enjoyable little game