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A jam submission

Harold.exeView game page

A short psy-horror game
Submitted by CouchSpring (@couchspring) — 16 hours, 16 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 17 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous and shown in a random order.

  • I absolutely loved this game, I think Drifty needs more playful trolling in his life, this fit the bill. You did a great job of making this feel disjointed and non linear, yet at the same time making it well, ...linear. Great job!
  • Hey there. :) Nice little game with some jumpscare and "wtf" happening, in a harold default "save the princess" quest parody. Well done, see ya :). Drag

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Oh damn... To be honest, I tend to avoid horror games. I'm so easily scared... But... This is for the game jam. Like... I have to do this...

- You get to access the real title screen by going through the main menu. That's the only moment you are allowed to access the options of the game.

- There is an invisible wall on the stairs of the castle. I'm not sure it's an intended effect due to how random it looks, this is probably a tileset problem.

- There is moments during the intro where the game softlock. I have no idea what caused this. The first time it happened, Harold's mom was simply blocking the exit of the room. And when I tried to reproduce it, the game prevented me to move at all. You might want to check your move event.

*sigh* Ok. I'll admit it even if this isn't my time of game: you've done a GREAT job with your horror game. Almost every jumpscares got to me. And the atmosphere was carefully crafted to give that feeling of constant uncertainty.

I wish you the best of luck with the game jam!


Really cool creepy effects and a good use of sound effects and silence! Really like the twist in the end too. Nice job!

(3 edits)

Hello! I played through this a few days ago, highly enjoyable for a spooky horror feel theme. I think your plot outline was good and each scene does build the plot tension up creating an exciting feeling to keep going and see what happens next in the main plot. I thought the presentation for your story was very good, I liked the buggy and creepy feel you gave the game dialogue and interaction.

Very nice use of events for scrolling through some maps at the end, and also what I'm guessing was duplicating and adding to other similar maps earlier on. That helped boost the experience as it was fun to see that as well.

I like almost the whole thing, but would've enjoyed  a proper strategic boss fight at the end and perhaps a few more battles for an RPG, though, and I also thought maybe having some more objects to interact with, and a little more exploring outside of the main story could've been interesting. And some slightly optional content or reward for exploring somewhere.

If there was more combat, then haining items and stuff for combat would've been a good apporach to it. Maybe items that help could be gained through additional interactive objects and then a couple of strategic skills for Harold? 

These are just suggestions for improvement as I still liked & enjoyed your game as it was. It was fun! : )


Hey thanks so much for taking the time to comment!  Those are some great suggestions and I would definitely like to add them when I get around to expanding and updating it.  There was a 20-minute playtime limit for this jam and I wanted to make sure they got to the ending.   I do have some ideas for more creepy effects as you wander off-path, but for this jam I decided to railroad the path for now.  Collecting items that could be used in battles is definitely a great idea!  

Right now I'm working on a heavy project but I'll probably come back to this when I need a break.

Jam Judge

Heya! Don't know if you saw this yet (been busy so I might have lost track), but we did a high level overview of your Game Jam entry last week. Here is a link to the video if you want to see what we have to say:

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Map manipulation and the sound effects where absolutely on point. I love how you emulated glitching background music at the entrance of Therese's tower. Oh, and the cat almost scared me to death. :D

Good job. I really enjoyed your game.


Thanks so much! To be honest, the cat made me jump while I was doing my own playtesting, haha.


That was quite the twist. I enjoyed it, and even got a pretty good scare. During a silent and tense part, my son had snuck out of his room and touched my elbow. I jumped pretty high at that point. Kudos for using real world immersion for jump scares. 


Haha, that made my night.  Cheers!


I liked the trippy visual effects its disorienting in a good way


Thanks.  I had some more ideas for disorienting effects but I wanted to keep it all under 30 mins.  I might expand it a bit after the jam.