This is so fun! I included it in my compilation video series of the 7DFPS compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look!
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Eldritch Eclipse's pageComments
Fantastic art style! Had fun playing this, I like the design of the tentacle enemies.
I had a cool time with this. I particularly liked the change in mood with each stage.
Those tentacles are sooooo tough though! Also pretty terrifying to have something chase you through the floor :O
I asked myself the same question while playing. It certainly depends on what your goal for the experience was.
Personally, I found the time to kill quite high and wanted enemies to die a bit faster. I imagined it would be more satisfying to have more deaths happening more often (even if the overall challenge remained the same). Especially because you have this cool effect where you can knock about enemy corpses :)
Thinking of it another way: I'd rather have double the enemies that die in half the time.
I'm still pretty new to game design, so I may be suggesting nonsense.
Are you asking because it's something you were considering?
That's great feedback. Thank you. 🙂 I'd like to return to this project again in the future, so it's definitely something I'll consider and try out.
I quite like the way the tentacles can burrow while you're shooting them, so there's this tension where you try to kill them as quickly as possible. But I agree that the time to kill can feel a little high. Maybe there could just be a weaker version of the same enemy that appears in higher numbers?
Ye, totally agree with you on the burrowing and tension there.
I like the idea of weaker + higher numbers. That also makes me think you could have a larger & tougher one that appears less frequently and presents a different kind of challenge (mixed in with the others).
I'm keen to learn more from this kind of discussion & play testing, so feel free to msg me any time.
This is a fun little Wolfenstein3d-esque shooter! The rescue mechanics give me a strong Robotron vibe, too.
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