wow, this was so pleasant to go through, what a nice and calming experience! seeing the field just get filled further and further with beans as you go through game is just a very satisfying thing to look at it! the art is just super lovely, love the clay look of our little bean friend, looks like a very friendly fellow to hang around! the rolling, jumping, and even the squash and stretch idle animation on this guy are also so charming and cute! love the look on the plants too, really nice sense of growth with the frames drawn for the bean plant growing! also love that rainbow shard shader for the aberrant beans, very catching making the player want to go there, very nice!
even though this game was supposed to be more of a soothing and ambient experience, i love how the combo system just gamifies it! i love how more seeds are planted in random places depending on how big the combo count was after it ended, the placement of the beans makes it feel like a new generated level to get a new higher combo score on, which just gets bigger and bigger as you progress through the game, resulting in a nice surprising game loop! i know this isn't the intention , but here's a few nitpicks that are totally unrelated to the goals of this game xd. for one, i wish that the beans collisions weren't the one handling whether the plant would disappear or not, there were a couple of times where i would jump on the plant (which would add to the combo counter) , but it wouldn't collect the bean, so technically i could have stayed in that position and farmed for combo for a virtually infinite amount of times as long as i don't collect the bean. i see that the beans have some form of event to its parented plant to inform them when to be deleted, one solution would be to have it the other way around where jumping on the would auto-collect all the beans on it and then get rid of itself, removing the exploit. another small nitpick is that i wish that you can only jump on a plant once for it to count it towards the combo count. technically you can just continuously jump on a baby plant and get like 10 free combo score until its fully grown, maybe you can have logic to mark the immature plants that have already been jumped on (with maybe having a different color or highlight to indicate that its been jumped) and make it a failed combo if you jumped on the same one. again, super small nitpicks that aren't really related to the goals of the game, but just some thoughts that i had xd!
this was such a nice and pleasant to go through. am satisfied with the 1000 beans i collected during my time with the game! great work!
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