Game appears to be very early in development, since I can't fly anywhere except for the pre-defined trajectory, can't shoot, can't collide with obstacles, can't even exit the game, had to kill the process using Windows task manager.
Because of that I can't really say much. The ship and the skybox look nice, though.
Pretty early stages I see. More space games are always cool so wish you luck with whatever you end up making!
(But please no more spinning! The rapid spinning as you go through the donut thing was a bit vomit inducing.)
Game appears to be very early in development, since I can't fly anywhere except for the pre-defined trajectory, can't shoot, can't collide with obstacles, can't even exit the game, had to kill the process using Windows task manager.
Because of that I can't really say much. The ship and the skybox look nice, though.
im guessin there isnt any gameplay other than moving around, anyway looks cool altho this guys really needs a better mic, cant understand shit