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The Cat Tower - BETA 3-7View game page

jrpg that contains pussy (not porn)
Submitted by Blue9Fairy (@blue9fairy) — 2 days, 7 hours before the deadline

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Found a bug: When you die and press continue the HUD disappears.

Other than that it feels like your game has potential, but at the beginning it feels rather overwhelming. Like what do icons in the top right mean, what are magic crystals, etc. Although after playing the game for some time it becomes clearer what it all means and I didn't even make the mistake I made when playing Alderex'es game and pollute my deck with garbage cards, I dumped them at the savepoint(or at least tried to, cause the price for doing it to some of them was too high). I liked the gameplay and how some cards affect some enemies(e.g: card costs no mana to use, but there's an enemy that gets a buff every time you use a card, etc.) If this is how MtG plays I understand why MtGfags spend so much time and money on their hobby.

I don't think I have much else to say. I could point out how the style of characters and tiles is inconsistent, and how it's sometimes hard to tell which tiles are walkable and which aren't, but that's clearly due to the game being at an early stage of development.


thank u a lot for testing!


Cute art, it's got a distinct style to it. I had some technical difficulties unfortunately, when I started the demo it looked like pic related.

Then in combat, I pressed what I assumed was the button to view your graveyard? It put an overlay on the screen and I was unable to interact with anything after that.

For the parts that I could play, I enjoyed. It gave off Slay the Spire vibes which is a good thing. I couldn't really tell how resources worked for casting cards though. The icon seemed like it would cost me life to cast, but that didn't seem to be the case.


oh fuck, thanks for finding that

were you on windows? at which resolution? also can you check for me if it also happens in windowed mode(f11 or alt + enter to toggle)?

>I couldn't really tell how resources worked for casting cards though.
yeah the resources ended up in the part of the screen that got cut out


Yeah, this was on windows. It happens in windowed mode too. I'm playing in 1440p.


I enjoyed your demo, it has a nice artstyle. Hope you keep at it!

  • Good character design, has meme/waifu potential. Just good design in general.
  • A squiggy (static poses with scribbly lines) animation style for your characters would be ideal (and cheap!), try to code it in-game as a shader or something.
  • Tooltips are good, I'd recommend separating them by bullet points (one for each action/effect) instead of them being plain text.
  • There's a weird slowdown when hovering over a "Will be attacked" icon (the red sword).
  • An indicator that you have no actions left would be good (maybe making the cards gray?)
  • An enemy's healthbar tooltip got stuck when I won, and would remain outside battles.
  • Stuff that is probably WIP, but I'll mention anyway:
    • Don't skimp on the transition tiles for your maps.
    • Some tooltips aren't very clear (Enemy is being helped this turn?).
    • Some depth problems in the map (being under the boxes when in front of them).
    • I'd recommend button prompts when interacting with stuff on the map (Like a Z appearing above the cardboard boxes).
    • More keyboard shortcuts would make the game much easier and faster to play for advanced players (Space for ending turn, etc). I didn't like how the number keys affected the cards, felt confusing and weird.
    • Try to make the environments less flat. The map is definitely WIP but the battle background was a bit too flat to me. Some fake 3D effects would be great.

thank u a lot for testing!

> There's a weird slowdown when hovering over a "Will be attacked" icon (the red sword).
is it like a framerate drop or does it just take a while before it shows up?

> Don't skimp on the transition tiles for your maps.
what exactly do u mean by transition tiles?

> More keyboard shortcuts would make the game much easier and faster to play for advanced players (Space for ending turn, etc).
oh yeah i have some of those i just need to communicate them to the player better

Submitted (1 edit)

I get Framedrops.

And I mean tiles that are the transition between two different tilesets (like the dirt turning to grass):


ah yeah i didnt draw those yet


Very nice card animation. I probably like the crab enemies more than I should. I would like to see more silly enemy designs like this. I am not normally a fan of card games but I found it to be fairly simple to pick up.  Cool stuff


thanks for testing!


thanks for testing!


-I like the bg of the intro screen a lot. The song is good too.

-Overworld feels very nice to walk around in.

-UI is fantastic, conveys the information very nicely.

-Art is enjoyable even if the highly defined crotch of the main character made me uncomfortable.

-The extra reward picture took me a bit to notice and made me laugh.

-The first impact I seem to cast in battle costs 2 impact cards, is this intentional?

-When the victory screen was up, I was still able to see mouseover text

-There's a missing tile below the first beach crystal

-Ignore the next two if space movement is just a debug option:

-If you do the space movement option, you can get stuck outside of a loading zone, but you can escape it by using the option again

-I also did this to the right at the beginning of the beach and got trapped out of bounds until I reloaded my save

Great game, this is my favorite I've played this jam


thank u a lot for testing!

> -The first impact I seem to cast in battle costs 2 impact cards, is this intentional?
did this happen in every fight? cause there is one enemy that discards one of your cards when u attack it


>did this happen in every fight

No, I don't think so. It was probably that enemy.


fun game

ysort node will help you out a lot, read up on that.

I dont see why can I continue the game after I died, there isnt much to do.

telling us how much damage will we take is very nice, made my death feel deserved

everything was smooth, very nice job


thank u a lot for the feedback, i should probably fix this ysort thing already yeah


I had a lot of fun playing this.

My screen flickered black kind of a bit at the beginning?  Just a fluke probably,  didn't happen again.

I got destroyed by some weird swan things dunno what they were they fucked me up though.  I'm not very good at card games.

Really cool though, I could definitely see this taking off. Adding a skill tree and affinity system sounds like you could turn it into something unique for sure.


thank u for testing!

btw were you playing on windows, linux or mac?




Really fun game, even with a some of the subsystems not being fully fleshed out yet. Really wondering in particular how the companion system is going to work and I assume that is the reason certain cards like scent can target other units.

Some collision issues. Walking into objects sometimes makes the player get a little stuck into them. Got stuck in a crack behind a shop once.

Had one bug where I ended combat with a tooltip open. Afterwards, the window explaining how thirst worked was permanently attached to my mouse. It went away after restarting the game.

I really like a lot of the enemy designs, both visually as well as mechanically. Mobs like the double heron cultist are interesting to fight and I can see there being a lot of depth to the combat.

With the player having freedom to wander around and avoid fights, it might be nice to have some overworld indications about how hard an enemy will be before fighting it.

The music throughout the game is really good.

Some really minor nitpicks

  • the text in the bleed tooltip is cutoff, although it is still readable
  • clicking on cards in shop doesn't do anything. Instead the player has to click on the text right underneath them which is slightly unintuitive
  • I encountered  a heron cultist that was stuck at 0 hp without dying (it died the next turn due to bleed) Wasn't sure if this was a bug or a mechanic I didn't notice (it was the mob with the heron + crab medic.
  • When I load up a save, it seems some of the numbers (like money) start at 0 and then gradually move towards their actual value

Keep it up!

Developer (1 edit)

thanks a lot for testing! i fixed that collision thing as soon as i saw u postin the vid


Good game. I can see this game needing a good amount of refinement; balance, content, more cards etc. but it's enjoyable in it's current state. I actually dig the motif and am eager to see it expand

I love the UI in the talent menu and the UI ideas present in the combat. I'm a king crimson fan lol

Keep it going!


thanks a lot for testing!

I take it its inspired by Slay the Spire or similar games? Having a deck builder based game but a proper rpg seems neat! Though it seems like it runs the risk of a player soft locking themselves by having a bad build, since i dont see any way to reset skills/deck and looks like you cant grind on enemies to level since they only spawn once. While I enjoyed Slay the Spire I was never good at it so I will avoid commenting on balance.

Mouse over tips worked well, and clearly explained to me what everything does.

Seems like you already have decent variety of encounters and mechanics.

The damage numbers circling around the enemies head when mousing over to select them is cool.

Music stopping when I go into menus seems weird. Maybe your planning to add seperate music for that and that is why the music playing when travleing the world stops, but if not it feels odd suddenly having dead silence just cause I wanted to check my cards or stats/talents.

Glitches: (I played on linux)

When I ran past a enemy chasing me to open a lootbox, the enemy still ran up to me and I had the loot menu open during combat. Menu closed like normal so wasnt a gameplay issue though.

When I moused over a shop card that had bleed, the bleed tooltip came up. But when I closed the shop while still mousing over it, the tooltip didnt go away. Going back into shop menu didnt fix it. Had to restart game.

Mousing over cards in the shop seems a bit buggy UI wise. See thread 334762738, post >>334769506 for webm of what I mean.

Finally, not really a glitch but I couldn't figure out how to exit the game, I ended up killing it via the console. Realised later that can leave fullscreen and close it normal way you close a window.

Fun game. Think it has potential if your willing to deal with all the content and balancing somehing like this (I think) will take.

Thanks for the demo and good luck with game!


thank u for your feedabck! im probably gonna add enemy spawning in the future and def gonna add a button to reset stats/talents.

also yeah i saw the vid i need to redo how shops works already

also need to add a menu with an exit game option woops


As a disclaimer, I don't play much RPGs. The last RPG I played was Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga for the gameboy as a kid lol

From what I could experience, I think you nailed the "!" reaction for when an enemy sees you.  It was very clear and I knew what happened. The transitions from the outer world to a fight world were clear, and the music was solid for an RPG. All movements and mechanics were clean and straightforward. I couldn't experience much more, but hopefully I can resolve these technical issues!


Hey I'm running into some technical issues. I think when you export in Godot, you need to package up the files surrounding your `.exe` (windows) and `x86_64` (linux). For mine, there is an associated `.pck` file and others files.

I can't get passed the start screen on linux, and when I virtualize the windows version with wine I can't click on a card during a fight. 

Windows Errors:


Godot Engine v3.3.stable.official -

OpenGL ES 3.0 Renderer: GeForce GTX 1050 Ti/PCIe/SSE2

OpenGL ES Batching: ON

WARNING: BaseButton's Enabled Focus Mode property has been deprecated due to redundancy and will be removed in Godot 4.0. Please use Control.set_focus_mode instead.

     At: scene/gui/base_button.cpp:329

ERROR: No loader found for resource: res://sfx/ui/buttonclick.wav.

   At: core/io/resource_loader.cpp:286

ERROR: poll: res://UI/menus/MenuLayer.tscn:87 - Parse Error: [ext_resource] referenced nonexistent resource at: res://sfx/ui/buttonclick.wav

   At: scene/resources/resource_format_text.cpp:440

ERROR: Failed to load resource 'res://UI/menus/MenuLayer.tscn'.

   At: core/io/resource_loader.cpp:208

ERROR: Failed loading resource: res://UI/menus/MenuLayer.tscn. Make sure resources have been imported by opening the project in the editor at least once.

   At: core/io/resource_loader.cpp:278

ERROR: Can't autoload: res://UI/menus/MenuLayer.tscn

   At: main/main.cpp:1774

SCRIPT ERROR: cardBattleMode: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'get_child' in base 'Nil'.


Linux errors:


[1;33mWARNING: set_enabled_focus_mode: [0m[1mBaseButton's Enabled Focus Mode property has been deprecated due to redundancy and will be removed in Godot 4.0. Please use Control.set_focus_mode instead.

[0;33m   At: scene/gui/base_button.cpp:329.[0m

[1;31mERROR: _load: [0m[1mNo loader found for resource: res://sfx/ui/buttonclick.wav.

[0;31m   At: core/io/resource_loader.cpp:286.[0m

[1;31mERROR: poll: [0m[1mres://UI/menus/MenuLayer.tscn:87 - Parse Error: [ext_resource] referenced nonexistent resource at: res://sfx/ui/buttonclick.wav

[0;31m   At: scene/resources/resource_format_text.cpp:440.[0m

[1;31mERROR: load: [0m[1mFailed to load resource 'res://UI/menus/MenuLayer.tscn'.

[0;31m   At: core/io/resource_loader.cpp:208.[0m

[1;31mERROR: _load: [0m[1mFailed loading resource: res://UI/menus/MenuLayer.tscn. Make sure resources have been imported by opening the project in the editor at least once.

[0;31m   At: core/io/resource_loader.cpp:278.[0m

[1;31mERROR: start: [0m[1mCan't autoload: res://UI/menus/MenuLayer.tscn

[0;31m   At: main/main.cpp:1774.[0m

[1;31mERROR: eof_reached: [0m[1mFile must be opened before use.


oh yeah there was this one weird buggy sound effect that fucked shit up, i've fixed it and replaced the build, thanks for finding that issue

Submitted (1 edit)

Np! My windows build on wine is working well with your new build, battles are working. My linux build isn't working with this error:

ERROR: eof_reached: File must be opened before use.

   At: core/bind/core_bind.cpp:2060.

But overall what you did seemed to work for Windows, which is most people anyway. Linux folks can use wine


aight, thanks for testing again, i know whats the issue with the linux version now and i might have fixed it