I don't know a lot about Roguelikes but it seemed like Rogue as far as I understand. I got about four floors in before I let a troll kill me. Seemed pretty simple but fun.
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Untitled Roguelike's itch.io pageComments
Very old school. Liking the minimap on the bottom left.
- What does % mean? Corpse?
- I didn't quite understand how strong the Fire Scroll is supposed to be, I didn't roll more than 2 damage which seems to be the same as a normal attack
- Not sure how I feel about passive HP regen, running up and down for half a minute to heal myself after a tougher battle feels bothersome
- I have to ignore a lot of chests because of strongly limited inventroy size and then backtrack when I have an open slot
Plays really smoothly, and already has a solid seed of fun going on. I don't know the roguelike world too well so I don't know what you're up against exactly, or how much this differs from the standard. But I did enjoy myself more than I expected.
The core issue I had was that chests quickly stopped becoming a positive, and started becoming a pain in the ass. This was because the size of my inventory, the rate at which I was using items, and the amount of chests was off. Those three things need to "fit" together, and right now they don't.
Thanks for the feedback. Can you elaborate a bit more on "This was because the size of my inventory, the rate at which I was using items, and the amount of chests was off. Those three things need to "fit" together, and right now they don't." ?
Which part of the equation was giving you the most trouble? In the latest build, I find myself using more items so I usually have free inventory space since I've added respawning and roaming to monsters.
Thanks again.
Sure, I was getting way too many potions, and finding too many treasure chests. So I had to keep using them without needing to before opening my treasure chest. The fact that the item in the chest is destroyed if you don't have space means that finding a treasure chest isn't a "good" thing, it's a "I have to gamble away something" thing. If I was more in need of items, then finding a chest would be more of a "oh sweet, cant wait to see what I get" moment.
I can only say what I'd do, which definitely might not fit with your vision for the game. But I would reduce the number of chests, so there were only a few per level. Increase what can drop from chests. Make it so that when you open a chest and your inventory is full, the item just sits on the ground where the chest was. Then players can look at the item, and decide if they want to toss something else away to take, or not. That is a fun choice, whereas throwing an item they want away in exchange for an unknown item, its not as fun. The limited inventory is good, especially because you can expand it as an upgrade and that will feel really good.
I didn't notice about the points. But personally, I don't love points as a metric for success. You already have a perfect one: depth. The goal is to go as deep as possible, the chests and items and such are just a tool to help with that goal. The more surprises, challenges, upgrades, etc... you put along their journey the better.
Do I only have 5 Inventory Slots? Found 3 Chests, immediately full. Opened another one, didn't get told what is inside, Item just got destroyed. An option to swap it with one of my Slots if its full would be nice, so I don't have to permanently keep one Slot empty in case I find something nice.
I like the Layout, the Log and the Minimap, its nice and compact. I wish seen Areas would stay grayed out instead of fully black when moving out of Vision tho. And I wish I could interact with Corpses. If I can't, no Point in displaying their Symbol on the Map.
Trolls are Hard, don't know if every Enemy should be on every Level, but my Inventory is at least empty again now.
You seem to have some blurryness or blooom on your Walltiles. Is this intended? Makes it seem a bit more Sci-Fi then what I was expecting with Trolls and Goblins and Stuff.
Stairs should be marked on the Minimap. I assume theres no Leveling yet? Seeing as I destroyed 2 Trolls and a bunch of Goblins already.
Stairs and Chests shouldn't spawn in Pathways. And I think there are too many Chests with too many Healing Potions, considering theres also healing over Time. Which has no drawback as there's no Hunger or anything yet.
Died on Floor 10 after just not paying attention anymore. Theres not enough Content there for so many Floors yet obviously, and its too easy. Misses some Sound, and the Messages/Info Overlay doesn't seem to conform to the Grid of ASCII properly. But you're not on a real Grid anyway, so who cares I guess. At least fix that the top row of the Messages Box is only half visible.
Leveling and finding Equipment would be nice, instead of only healing Potions.
Other then that, no Bugs and fun.
Hey thanks for all the detailed feedback. Yes the game is still very basic at this point.
Item swapping -- Since healing potions are in abundance, I simply use one before opening a chest if my inventory is full. The way the map's info is tracked currently doesn't lend itself to "drop" items and pick them up later very easily. At some point I do intend to refactor that.
Seen Areas -- I tried implementing this. I'm currently using ROT.js and can't seem to figure out how to get the the FOV utility to draw already explored areas. I know it's possible as other ROT.js games have achieved this, but because I couldn't figure it out, I opted for the minimap.
Corpses -- I plan to add some corpse functionality at some point.
Stairs -- Yea I guess I'll go ahead and mark them on the minimap.
Leveling -- No leveling yet.
Chests -- Currently there are only 2 items in the game. Scrolls of Fire and healing potions. Chests currently have a very small chance of giving you a scroll. I made the chance so small because it's a powerful, no miss item that's capable of killing all current monsters with one hit. I'm going to increase the drop chance I think. I'd like to see it pop more often.
Dungeon Levels -- The dungeon is currently infinite amount of levels. When descending the stairs, a new map is generated. Currently the only "goal" is to see how high you can get your score.
Info/Message tabs -- I'm not entirely certain what you mean with what you've mentioned here, but the info and message tabs aren't being rendered by the game, they are simply HTML elements on the webpage itself.
Equipment -- I would like to implement equipment, but I don't really have any ideas for what to implement. I guess I could implement scaling difficulty for the monsters? Right now you start with +2 defense and +3 attack. The way combat works is each number is represented by 1d6. For example when the player attacks, you roll 3d6. Anything over a 3 is a success. If the monster has +2 defense, it rolls 2d6. Any successes are subtracted from the player's successes and that's the damage you deal. So if you roll 3 attack successes and the monster rolls 2 defense successes, you deal 1 damage.
I would like to implement more content/systems/etc, but I'm just very much out of cool ideas.
Thanks again.
A perfectly functional game! I don't know if you will get away with a roguelike having so few buttons though, for example right now you can't drink a potion while standing on stairs. Also having no diagonal movement can cause some awkward situations, for example I died to a troll because I couldn't get out of the room we were in because he'd mirror my movements and then its impossible to run out. If you could move diagonally there would at least be a chance to run around. Other than that I'm mostly missing standard RL things that you probably just haven't added yet.
- Let me hold down a button to keep moving and a button for moving in strides (e.g. press M then W and you walk through the entire corridor).
- Button for looking/inspecting things
- Picking things up destroys the item if inventory is full? That's evil
- If inventory is full and I drink a potion it always drinks the last one, is the inventory being reordered?
Not knowing what items are on the floor and being unable to check unless you start drinking your inventory away was probably the biggest thing though.
Hey thanks for the feedback.
- Let me hold down a button to keep moving and a button for moving in strides (e.g. press M then W and you walk through the entire corridor).
The first part of this has been added.
- Button for looking/inspecting things
That's what the key in the info tab is for. There's nothing to inspect yet, but I'm working on something like this.
- Picking things up destroys the item if inventory is full? That's evil
- If inventory is full and I drink a potion it always drinks the last one, is the inventory being reordered?
The inventory is re-ordered when you consume an item. I assure you if you have multiple items and use item 1, item 1 is actually being used.
"right now you can't drink a potion while standing on stairs" -- I could change the item use button and the button to use the stairs? Right now they are the same.
"Not knowing what items are on the floor and being unable to check unless you start drinking your inventory away was probably the biggest thing though." -- This will be a bit harder to implement because the map doesn't hold a series of objects, It's just a list of ASCII tiles, but I suppose I could implement a hacky solution.
The game as it is is just a simple game. To be honest it likely won't get much more advanced than it is. In the roguelike world, setting yourself apart from other roguelikes usually requires a deep understanding of math and algorithms so that you can implement systems that don't exist in other games and I'm simply too shit at both of those things, lol.
Thanks again!
EDIT: Diagonal movement -- this is intentional. I want the game to be easy, but not too easy. Sometimes the troll just gets ya! My highest score so far is 600 something on depth 16, but I'm thinking I will implement a scroll of teleportation which will simply be a rare drop.
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