The writing is funnier than I expected. The theme of the game (Santa and reindeer and such) seems completely asinine, so I was expecting something pretty crude. You got a few chuckles out of me though. The combat system is actually pretty smart too. I haven't played a lot of RPGs in the last 15 years or so, so I don't know what's out there. But having to dodge around when the enemies attack is a hell of a lot more fun than just clicking through menus every combat like in a lot of games. It's nice that the enemies can attack at the same time too, so you're dodging multiple things at once.
Keep it up. I don't really know why you chose the theme you did. It doesn't appeal to me at all. I assume it is some sort of furry thing, and if so, then I guess it would appeal to that niche. But I can see a lot of people dismissing it out of hand as a game for little children, unfortunately. Don't know who it's aimed at, I guess is my point. So that doesn't put me in a position to give a lot of useful feedback.
The game seems well polished and juicy though, so nice work there. I'd just be careful about instances where you warp a sprite around (like when the dodging phase starts. You warp into the square area. Or when a cutscene starts). Tweening a sprite into location is a lot better, because it maintains the illusion that you're controlling a physical thing.
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