The concept is interesting! Cant wait to see more
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ZPK (Prototype)'s pageComments
Ah I see, gear changing works via right-click context menu on the items and then mining is just pointing your ship at an asteroid and firing. I'll expand the tutorial a bit more for next dd.
The asteroids outline is a known inconsistent graphical issue I forgot to add to the list before publishing, I know it's just a cosmetic thing but in retrospect I can see how that'd be very confusing to anyone else.
Thanks for trying it out and for the feedback on where you got stuck.
Lolol I feel dumb now. Logged in again and am mining some Asteroids. There is an issue when having clicked on the "contracts" button to the left, the focus outline stay in that menu and when I hit return or space it presses the selected button. So I hit "arrow down" to decelerate (it moves the outline one down), then space to mine an asteroid -> an hero. It can be fixed by clicking lower left menu button and closing the menu.
Played through the rest - I like this kind of 2D space movement with lots of floating. Excited to see the game grow into more things to explore and use. Recording
Some more bugs I noticed: Quest objectives only update when clicking on them, I was killing enemies and thought it was the "wrong" one for the quest, because counter did not update. (Enemy names on screen being different than in quest text. Quest text sounds somewhat more mysterious.) Asteroids are real jittery moving.
Ah, and I liked the writing, basic but felt very right.
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