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A member registered Jan 05, 2024 · View creator page →

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Most likely more of a mech or power suit

First things first thank you for playing and reviewing. I think round 8 glitches due to spawning logic. It should be fixed next time. The ability to stop is because I plan to add hovering to the game. The player isn't actually going to be flying a biplane in the full game haha.

My hope is to make an action sandbox type of game if I can scope it right. 

Thank you for playing! I think I know why its autocorrecting and I need to fix it. I like the idea of adding high G effects and I need to add more "speed" effects so you really feel it. I will try and fix the bullets, I noticed the performance drop as well

Thank you for playing! I plan to fix basically everything you mentioned by next DD.

I think I'm gonna have rolling as well as flipping but we will see

Someone else told me I should add manual roll as well. I will test it out and see if I can do both. I want to make Q roll left and E roll right in the next update rather than Flip up and Flip down

Thanks for clarifying. My main goal was just making flying feel good before expanding everything. It sounds like I hit the mark (minus speed) so by next demo you should see a big area, much more speed, a better model, actual enemies, etc. Your feedback means a lot and I really appreciate it.

I appreciate all the feedback. I made some bad last second decisions about speed before sumbitting because I was worried I got too good at flying and wanted to make sure people could play. The difficulty was hard for me too based on the randomness. Thanks for playin!

Thanks for playing! Just I watched the demo clip. I should have made it more apparent that you had a pause menu with the controls and audio. You can manually respawn as a work around if you get stuck like  you did.

Thank you for playing! Just to clarify it felt slow with max throttle?

Very polished game! The scenery and music were very good and the combat system was inspiring. Cant wait to play the full game. Had a random crash and couldn't tell if I was respawning or the game actually crashed. Something worth thinking about.

Nice concept, the pace felt a little fast. It would help to know what colors were coming next but it has potential

What fun that was. Keep it up

Very good game! Everything feels polished and it was a great experience overall. Some critique I have is related to the camera. It could use a little bit of smoothening when moving quickly. It comes off as jittery and confusing when fighting. The UI and sounds were fantastic and the combat felt good. The weapons could use a little balancing but I'm sure that will come with time.

Enjoyed the game! Throw some music on it and maybe some more shapes and it's good to go

Very nice game! Great platforming mechanics and music. The art style was fun as well. Not sure if perma-killed enemies are good or not. If they respawned it would keep the difficulty up but it certainly made it easier for me that they died. Keep up the good work! 

looking forward to it!

Im glad it was an easy fix and glad you liked the stream!

Good little game! You could add so many little things to make it even better. I enjoyed the song you had playing as well.

Great game concept. The instructions were a little vague at first but I got the hang of it. My only complaint is being able to stack them breaks the game balance. I also dont like that you cant unclick the rotate button if you accidently click it and it will waste a turn

So much progress since I last played. I mentioned in the stream some of the combat issues I had. There was a few bugs as well regarding spawning in wrong rooms. Can't wait to see more of the game in the future.

Good start but the font is awful. I think with some tweaks to combat and guns you will have a good game on your hands

Very good game, everything felt pretty solid from the music to the combat. Early game felt a little easy but I assume it'll get harder as I go. Looking forward to playing your game on steam!

The running and kicking felt really good. I think the best room for improvement was the level design, lots of weird geo and corners. Music was good and the enemies felt a bit rough around the edges but fair. Cant wait to see more

just a second or two to get adjusted to the scene. It felt like the instant it showed you up to bat a pitch was coming in and you just had to swing for the fences. All the pitches after the first were fine because you had time before the pitch was thrown. 

I got absolutely filtered by not having a jump skill at the start. I put my point into strength and felt like I had no way to progress. The art was nice and I could see the appeal of the game. Looking forward to more!

Love the game so far! Reminded me a bit of Resident Evil and Signalis. Can't wait to see more!

Music was good, I had no clue what to do.

The art and animations are great. The music is solid too. For some reason I was moving extremely fast and it made fighting almost impossible. I still managed to beat the demo but it made dodging the skeletons really hard.

Fun little game, hopefully you give the batters more time to get ready before the pitch in the future. Love the art a lot.

I was hesitant to play this game when I first saw it,

I will never live my life with hesitation again,

Thank you.

Very cute game, reminds me of the old kirby games. I wish some of the techs and moves were explained somewhere. Had no clue what throwing the bunny does. Also learned about the spin jump from someone on stream otherwise would have had no clue it existed.

The cutscenes are a cool idea, I think the movement in this game already shines this early on. Is there any reason you take damage when you dash? It's such a core mechanic that it seems weird to punish the player for doing it.

Very fun concept with good gameplay. Stability seems to be an issue later game. When power becomes more important stability can be devastating because each turn has a chance to destroy a material. With some polish on scaling you will have a great game on your hands

Had a lot of fun trying your game. The graphics were great and the UI was good. As far as the controls go I think they could use some polish. It was very difficult to get through combat while scrambling to learn the entire keyboard worth of controls. Maybe a limited moveset would be better or at least streamline combat

you have good vision, keep on rockin!

I do think there was a little bit too much info overall, having to learn all the gameplay is hard enough  and then on top of it you have to learn the resort system, but you did a good job trying to explain it all. Keep up the good work I wasn't disappointed at all!

I really like how it showed you more and more of the gameplay loop as you progressed rather than all at once. The gameplay is unique and combines a variety of tactics. Cant wait to see where this game ends up. Had a lot of fun trying to speedrun it.

Awesome risk like! Was fun using the rats to bash other rats. Can't wait for some more features but its already fun even in its current state!

Had a couple of crashes during combat and on player death. Also had a crash trying to get on the boat. The rts mechanics work as intended and the formations are cool. I was able to steamroll enemies with numbers so maybe there is way to introduce the other mechanics that require more tactics as a tutorial? Enjoyed the game where it is and cant wait for more!

Game works as intended. The mechanic is interesting trying to get a big number without getting a 1 is fun.