I beat it! love the egg lad! my QUALMS:
-driving normal slow and boring
-gotta fight the camera all the time
-missing jumps is too punishing
-bonking can easily bounce u off edges, no chance to save urself
-driving fast fun
-level 2 was the highlight.
-MOST of the boost pads
-the shadow is almost directly below the player. This helps tremendously with certain jumps.
-the speed mechanic
-get rid of the non-run version! This might require some levels to be redesigned, but the control it gives also seriously slows down the pacing. I'd balance this with giving the egg more control at slower speeds?
-add more borders. Often I found it very frustrating to die to very simple mistakes. Often I'd overshoot by just a little and tumble into the bottomless pits. Some chain-link fences would do nicely.
-add detail to the ground. The human eye determines speed and direction using the context of it's environment. The reflective surfaces made it hard to tell which way I was drifting.
fun sound design, needs a few tweaks, but overall very original concept.
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