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A member registered 51 days ago

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I really liked how for a lot of areas, there were multiple ways to get there.

Sick title cards. Really enjoyed playing this, and it was quick & snappy to boot. Nice job!

Smooth game! The escalation is just right.

(1 edit)

This is an amazing game, especially for your first ever game and game jam. The number of traps is devious, I love it. The level design is great. I have no complaints.

Amazing game, excellent decisions were made.

Ah, right, I was even thinking about that while playing but forgot lol.

Killer atmosphere. Fun times. Good job!

The cycle of tension in this is super interesting. Once you drop the totem, all tension goes away. Once you're holding the totem, boom, all the tension is back. I love that you can jump on top of the totem; I didn't even find that out until level 2. What if the totem didn't automatically return to your hands when you respawn, but you had to pick it up after you respawn instead? Idk if you entertained that idea during development, but it would allow players to engage the tension when they were ready, rather than forcing it on them when they die.

Really fun! Everything feels cohesive, and all the puzzles made sense. I think the only visual thing that was a bit weird is the lighting around the edges of some of the darker rooms.

I feel bad for the aliens, what did they do to deserve this? The mech feels really good to control. I wasn't getting a good idea of where to go / what to do except kill aliens.

I love the controls, and I love going fast!

I am in this game and I don't like it (just kidding I like this game a lot)

I love how power and the title both have two meaning. The art is great. Good job!

The game page has the instructions on it, J is probably the key you're missing.

They should be able to be matched, but we didn't do an accessibility pass due to the jam time constraints. They're supposed to be tricky though, and I've seen quite a few people miss an instruction or two. Thank you for the feedback!

I LOVE this! The music and sounds are incredible, and everything you've done with the quickdraw mechanic is amazing.

The bones here are so good. This is awesome. I had to give up after getting murdered for the umpteenth time by a rocket, but I really wanted to get through. One thing that would have eased my suffering is a quick restart when you die; like, I can pause at any time and restart the level instantly, except when I die I have to sit there and watch for a few seconds before it restarts. But maybe that's less necessary if the balance is tuned to be a little more forgiving; I really liked the slow-mo death at first.

I am so glad I played this game. What a silly good time.

I love the style. Perfect length. The only thing that stood out negatively was that things would disappear sometimes when I bumped into them. Good job!

This is a powerful game.

What a fun little game! I love the lighting, lightning, and audio. 

Oh hey, I won! I was starting to think there wasn't an end. It's really fun to fly around with the tongue, but otherwise the game gets pretty tedious as-is. It's hard to tell which powerup does what, so giving them more distinction & variety should help with that. Same with the enemy variety. It was fun though!

I adore this game. But. Terrible late-game murder rooms. Why can they shoot through some walls. Why is ESC the die button. It is extremely frustrating when an enemy initiates a laser beam, you stop time, and when you start again, they instantly fire a new laser beam at you, interrupting the old one. I wish the recharge time would go down as your star power goes up. I doubt the boss room is possible.

That all said I adore the style, the writing, the characters, the particles, and the time stopping. I want to play this game without all the rough edges.

Funny game, and the perfect length.

Funny game, with some unique gameplay elements unless I'm missing some shmup history.

The 4th instruction is listed in red text "NEVER SET 5 :(" XD

Once I had finished going through all the controls and felt like I was understanding all the hexes, I had forgotten that I could rotate them. This experience would definitely benefit from a slow rollout of the different hexes and their rules, just in the very beginning. Also I wish there was a way to quickly know where I left off, because I'm not going to complete all of these in one sitting. It looks like the stars you've achieved aren't necessarily showing up on the level, but do show up in the level complete screen?

All this to say, I really enjoyed this game and want it to be better. The puzzles are great. The polarity switcher is my beloved.

Breaker 3 has 4 different instructions, and 2 of them relate to the switches. Thank you for the kinds words!

I need to know the bug. I'm pretty sure people are completing it. Did you read all 4 instructions?

Frantic fun. I didn't notice any sounds. Switching powers with every kill might be a bit too much; since you have to kill everything anyway (?), it's not like that gives you a lot of agency over which power to get. Oh, and the graphics are clean, I like the graphics.

I like the steampunk sounds in the music. It's disappointing having your buildings go away when you connect them to the factory. When the requirements stack, the time left doesn't compensate for that, you're still on the original clock. A good start!

If that's level 2, I couldn't clear level 1 XD I guess the first level was level 0.

I love the transitions. I am not getting very far. I had to load up wolfram alpha. "Putting it all Together" is a lot harder than some of the puzzles directly after it. There's also no select screen, nor a way to go back to the main menu. It seems like there are a lot of puzzles left for me to solve, but I need to go to bed! This is a really cool game!!

It could use a little more visual aids. I gave up thinking it was broken until I decided to give it one more try and realized how it worked. Also a couple cards I ran into were invisible. The underlying game is compelling though!

That's a mighty big file size! I couldn't figure out how to proceed after dying.

It's a good start! I got trapped by my followers and couldn't move, and it looks like the store doesn't subtract from your power.

This was really fun and funny. It's not exactly clear how you get more ammunition besides going up & down rank. It's weird that you gain ammo by going down rank. I love the animation on the ammo, though!

The vibes are great and the ghosts are awesome and spooky. I love the levels; when I'm panicking and trying to find the way to go and hoping it's right, and then it all works out, that's nice. But I couldn't get past the level with the two gates in a row. There were just too many ghosts, and every way I tried to double back and juke them didn't work. I just watched the vod linked below to see if there was a trick I didn't get, and the ghosts appeared to be moving way faster on my computer, making the level impossible. I wonder if your ghost movement is dependent on frame rate or something.

This game is incredible. Stupendous job. Just needs some balancing work and it'll be even better. There are simply too many customers on the final day (which is hilarious). I never really got the time to identify unruly clients and serve them the interesting power documents. In the last few days the phone didn't ring at all, and on the final day I managed to serve a blank red piece of paper to a client. My first run was a quick failure; I don't think it's possible to succeed on your first play, but that's ok. Again, incredible work.

This is positively delightful. And devious. I did not sign up for multiple hours of puzzle solving. Bravo.