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My First Game Jam

A topic by AggroBunny Studios created Jan 23, 2021 Views: 262 Replies: 7
Viewing posts 1 to 6

Finally, after a year of Game Development, I made up some courage to participate in a Game Jam. To be honest I am terrified but at the same time super excited to experience what a Game Jam is all about. Wish my luck guys .. and right back at you :) Stefan from Malta :) 

Same for me, other then the experience... Good luck!


Me  too MrSeBo are you maltese


Hi Stefan! Welcome to jamming :}
Have fun and watch the feature creep.


I just hope my game is fun to play. My previous games where very bad. This is not an ad for my games I promise.


this is also my first game jam, and I won鈥檛 have much time to actually work on my game, but I鈥檓 excited with what I鈥檝e got already 馃榿

speaking of which, after submitting my game can I resubmit a more polished version?


If you do it before the rating period you can change the if you go to edit in your game even after you submit it.


sweet, thank you!