People in comments seem to like the game, I even got some new subscribers. How do you think is it a good enough concept to build a Steam release on this base?
Here's the game: Emergencies Happen by solidesu
People in comments seem to like the game, I even got some new subscribers. How do you think is it a good enough concept to build a Steam release on this base?
Here's the game: Emergencies Happen by solidesu
I checked your game. At first it was really interesting. Everything looks polished. All of the animations and sounds. But important thing for me in games is challenge. I like when games force me to think and my actions mean something. After 5 minutes of playing I got a feeling that it's impossible to lose in your game and it became quite boring. I think with more balance it would be a great game and it definitely has a potential.
I would also like if tell me what you think about my game ;)
Thank you for the feedback! I really does lack real challenge as the challenge there is only in assuming that it is there. Technicaly there's no way to lose - I just did not implement that due to not wanting people to rage quiting my game after restarting the whole day :)
But there is some kind of way to lose because for example if you miss call about Gas leak - there will be another about Gas explosion and there's a lot of that kind of chains of missed calls. But they are practicaly hard to get as when these calls occur - you guaranteed to have a machine for that.
Checked out your game and commented it on your page :)
Actually same here, but not as "it is finished", but as "what an awesome idea mate", so I may trying doing it too :3
I will check your game after the meeting and give me feedback on it, in the meantime you can check mine :3
Your game really does have a great idea to explore further and maybe even grow it into something like Noita. I think now it definetly needs more user friendliness. It was very hard to understand how to play it but I was very interested to learn it which probably means that there's really something to it. Maybe tweeking the balance, polishing it and growing gameplay depth further may make a valid full game
Already rated your game. Here is mine if you can give me feedback it would be great :) ->