Hey all! If you play and rate my game, I’ll play and rate yours! Send a comment on my game with the link so I can see if you rated it or not.
Happy jamming!
comment into my game when you're done!😁 thanks!
This is my first game jam.
Can you play mine, please? I would love to get your suggestions so that I can improve!
I can't go on the discord and showcase it, but hopefully I can do a few rate 4 rates...
Rated and commented! Fun game :D Link to my game: https://bendik-e.itch.io/night-wandering (Link also posted in comments on game page).
reprimanded is my game as the other submission fell through due to a build bug
This is my first game jam.
Can you play mine, please? I would love to get your suggestions so that I can improve!