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Fire FighterzView game page

Created for Jabrils' Stay at Home Jam
Submitted by Blu_BearDev (@Blu_BearDev) — 8 minutes, 35 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Overall Rating#152.4493.000
Theme Implementation#152.3682.900
Artistic Quality (Visual / Audio)#172.3682.900

Ranked from 10 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Discord tag (Name#1234)
Blü Bear#3750

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(4 edits) (+1)

Controls felt very snappy. Satisfying to use. Only saw one fire extinguisher drop, so spent a lot of time waiting for water to refill. The graphics are nice, especially the lighting around the fireballs. The water spraying could use improvement and maybe the fireballs too (make them more lively and scary). The music is pretty good fits the game. Overall pretty good and it implemented the theme well. Unfortunately, after beating the first level, the game froze and I received this error:



Thank you for playing my game! and for the feedback :) 

Ive been tuning things a lot since the end of the submissions period

The water spraying was given it's own animation, and the spawn rate of water refills has been increased substantially (from 1/10 to 1/7)

That really odd! This is the first mention of this crash ive seen. I'll get right on it! Any idea what you were doing when it happened? Did it happen as soon as the level was beaten? After hitting next level? or after the next level had already loaded in? 

Thank you for your time! :) 


It was either right as I beat the 1st level or right as the 2nd level loaded in. I don't remember exactly, but it was around there


Hmmmm have you tried restarting the game, and beating the first level again? 
No one else has encountered this thus far, and I'm unable to replicate it 

Keep my posted! thank you :) 


I thought the controls felt pretty good, though I only managed to defeat a few flames. It didn't seem like they were dropping water refills like the tutorial said they would?

Still, really enjoyed it! I thought the music was really good

Developer (1 edit)

Thank's for playing!

The water refills have a 1/10 chance of dropping upon extinguishing a flame
Otherwise, your water does refill over time 

thank you for your time :)

Edit: Do you think every enemy should drop a smaller refill, instead of dropping a large one at random?


Ahh I see. For how long it takes to actually put out a flame, yeah a smaller refill might be nice. Other people already said it so I didn't want to hammer you on the same point, but having a health meter or having them slowly get smaller would help a lot. If I could tell which flames were almost out I could attack strategically to refill my water faster


Makes sense! Thank you :) Ive made it so the flames get progressively smaller as their health decreases, and increased the spawn rate for water refills


I enjoyed it! It's in my top 3 easy. I enjoyed the zombie esque style. I would love to see this game finer tuned in the animations and more levels. I'll be coming back to this.


Aw, thank you! I appreciate it a ton

After the game jam has wrapped up the voting phase, I'll work on updating some things :) 

Thank you for playing!

Deleted 4 years ago

I'm sorry but I have to disagree. I'm not sure what his choice of engine has to do with the game he made, as I'd say it's the same as using Unity, no? I thought the visuals were great. The mix of 3D with 2D was very interesting and I thought it looked amazing with the light coming off of the fireballs.  I'd mostly agree with the feedback, as it's not possible to tell how much health a fireball has, but other than that I think it's great.


Thank you for playing my game, and for the helpful feedback! :)

I'm glad you enjoyed the visuals! this was my first time working with pixel art, and Unreal's 2D workflow, so it's encouraging to hear that it was at least visually interesting

Hm, would a visual indicator for the fireball's health be better? Or would an audio one work better? I tried my best to not clutter the screen with healthbars, haha 

thank you for your time!


I agree with not cluttering the screen with health bars now that you mention it, so what if the fires faded a little bit the lower they get? Or maybe started smoking?


So, the solution i'm experimenting with right now is the flames getting physically smaller along with their health, along with a particle upon death
It's different for sure, but i'm not sure how to gauge it, haha


That would probably be perfect! Looks great already!


Thank you for playing my game! 

My choice of engine came down to what i'm comfortable with, and less about what my expectations are for the "AAA" quality of the final result, haha

This was my first attempt at pixel art, and I have to say, I think it's pretty alright for a first attempt! But I do agree that some of the visuals seem out of place, such as the normal map on the brick walls, whereas nothing else has them

As for feedback, could you be a little more specific? 

thank you for your feedback :)


I did it! Overall I had a great time with it! I couldn't figure out how to kill the green fires, as they seemed to just kind of die if I lived long enough. But it was quite fun!


I'm so glad you enjoyed it! As for the green fires, they are extinguished after spawning X number of enemies
I explained it in the main menu tutorial, although in hindsight, I probably should have forced people to read it before playing, haha

I'm glad you thought the game was worthwhile! 


aahhh that makes sense! I did notice that they died at about 5000 score, so that makes sense! Keep up the great work!


Thank you!! Your encouragement means the world to me :)