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My First Jam, How Should I Go About This?

A topic by weirdoofcool created Sep 03, 2022 Views: 241 Replies: 3
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Hello all. This will be my first ever jam and I'm a little nervous. Should I try to join a team? If so, I would love to join anyone's team that is open! I am a coder that has the most experience with unity and some experience in unreal. I have had the most experience in building mechanics for games but I can do anything else anybody can ask for, pretty much. Here's my portfolio if anybody is interested!

If I'm being honest, if this is your first jam you should try to experiment and see what works. Maybe try solo this time and try with a team the second time. You kinda have to feel out how you do your game jams, everyone has a different jam experience.

just try things dude,nobody gonna judge u for failing,its a part of learning


This is also my first jam, heck it's my first game xD best of luck to you! I have zero coding knowledge, just some art skills really so you could definitely be worse off lol