Original title - UTDGfDT
Funny title, huh? The abbreviation UTDGfDT stands for Untitled Tower-Defense Game for DevTober.
It's a tower-defense game with approaching hordes of enemies in which you as a Boss must prevent the enemies to brake the Crystal, placed in the middle of the map - what you do by hiring mercenaries that will kill enemies (or die during the battle). The main difference from typical games in this genre is 1) Enemies do not follow a pre-set path, instead they just randomly spawn on different corners of the screen and then try to get to the center of the map to reach the Crystal; 2) Your mercenaries are actual entities and can participate in hand-to-hand combat with enemies since they protect the Crystal not just with their weapons, but with their own bodies.
A young, currently 16 years old developer and also a beginner pixel artist who wants to develop his own games. I've been working with app development and a few programming languages for 2 years, then started trying myself in the game industry.
During the Summer of 2020, I've been intensively working on game development and developed 6 games in jam format (i.e. under reasonable time limits), though, in fact, only 2 games of those were submissions for jams. The projects were aimed mainly to obtain practical experience in the software I'm working with.
I honestly don't know haha. I'm sure you'll see news about the development progress of the project, but other than that I can say nothing 100% true :D.
a fun story
I joined the Devtober 2020 game jam on October 18th, which means that the jam was already like half-way through by this time. However, I really wanted to develop my own project after my short break from game dev - so here I am!