What if my game is interactive fiction but purely audio, is that okay?
Wow the puns, well my itch.io page has the start of it if anyone wants to take a listen. https://dk5000p.itch.io/the-experiment, invoking horror with just sound is definitely a feat but the real issue is figuring out how to trigger the sounds to play at the right time in code.
The idea is absolutely amazing! :D
I'm thinking on stealing the idea for my own game in the spanish version of Ectocomp ¬.¬
Please, tell me, dk5000p, how do you feel about this?
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I was planning to use my own tool, Parser Commander. It is still under development but i recently use it in a game based in the story "Celephaïs" written by H.P.Lovecraft. That game is in Spanish, at least by the moment, but can be played here if you want to take a look:
Play "Where the sea meets the sky - Celephaïs by H.P.Lovecraft" (spanish version only)
The game for this Ectocomp will be mainly played in a web browser, and the sounds will be probably controlled through the javascript "Howler.js" library.
Let's see where this ship goes! :D