Oh. so... You didn't erase him from existence.. You annihilate him the moment hes been born...again and again. what. I just.. Its a bit too much.. I feel sick. He didn't deserve that hell. #ErlsenrvDidNotDeserve
I love minimalist RPGs and this is a solid one. The only thing I didn't like was that I had upgraded my sword in a town and later I found a chest with a less powerful sword and without asking me it traded my more powerful sword for the weaker one. Like, what the heck?
I will delete Erlvnrels.
what.. Erlsvnerl.. Erased? From existence..? Just like that?.. Could all of that be just misunderstanding.? no, actually, the funker had it coming
It has been done, I made it so if 'Erlsverl' is generated, the NPC deletes.
Oh. so... You didn't erase him from existence.. You annihilate him the moment hes been born...again and again. what. I just.. Its a bit too much.. I feel sick. He didn't deserve that hell. #ErlsenrvDidNotDeserve
I love minimalist RPGs and this is a solid one. The only thing I didn't like was that I had upgraded my sword in a town and later I found a chest with a less powerful sword and without asking me it traded my more powerful sword for the weaker one. Like, what the heck?
That’s not susposed to happens! ☹️
Is actually interesting how much you can from just 2 buttons. Not sure how much this connects to the theme though. Good music!
Love games like this. Someday i'll play the ancient ones from IBM era
Love it!