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A few questions about the jam

A topic by Friendly Mimic Games created Apr 14, 2022 Views: 82 Replies: 2
Viewing posts 1 to 4

1. Do we have to keep the game to a 160×144 pixel resolution like the original Game Boy?

2. Can we create a border/frame around the game that uses a different color than the palette? (ex: a parody of the Game Boy device, so it looks like you're playing one)

3. Should we make a post here once we have something to show? Like regular dev logs/updates?

Thanks for hosting this by the way! It's just what I needed to get my motivation going after my previous computer had a melt-down. I'm excited to try my hand at this!


1. No, you should not have that particular resolution. But it is important not to go overboard and maintain the aspect ratio of the console.
2.If you can put a frame around it like when you play gb in pokemon stadium for example.  
3. I want to follow the games that are presented to the jam, see and support their development.  
I always believed that these proposals develop very creative ideas and are very fun. GL HF.
Submitted (1 edit)

uhm we submitted our game with the original gameboy resolution... oopsie... i hope that isn't a problem