It's very early in development so it's hard to give feedback on stuff that most likely will be fixed/finished, but I can talk about the main gameplay, which I do like! Interesting to have the player solely rely on using a dash to defeat enemies, to be fair the "2D pixel art platformer with a dude using a sword in a green forest" is a bit over saturated (as much as I love them), so this is actually a bit refreshing.
I did notice the level generation is a bit tight, where the ground is sometimes laid out with a single tile of spikes, then a blank, then another tile of spikes, and then an enemy, and then there's like just 2 more empty spaces and then it's a higher raised section. Maybe the generation for the empty spaces and the spikes could always be 2 or more, since the gameplay has a lot of focus on momentum and it's hard to precisily land on a single open space near lots of spikes. Also sometimes the player will spawn with like 2 enemies right next to them and it can be a bit of a tight squeeze trying to fight them in the same area, on top of the issue with the spikes.
Also, for buildings like the first room you start in, you probably don't need the camera to move around like the way it does, since it actually gets a bit disorientating when it bops all around when it could technically just be at a standstill or move very little and there's nothing that isn't being shown.
I am 100% keeping my eye on this one. Animations and visuals (that are here so far) are really charming. This game is just a seed for now, but it's gonna grow over time, and I think it's gonna have some very pretty flowers!
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