Here I am! I finally played your game :-) Sorry for taking so long. Got wrapped up in my game's update but I planned to play before the event ended. And I loved this! You know I got into it when it started, I got in the cabin, turned on my flashlight and then ran around my own house, turning off all the lights, I really wanted to get immersed in your game! Here's my feedback:
1. That opening scene was well put together. Including the voice acting (see further down).
2. Love the initial gameplay with the fog and fireflies! Great start for the setting of your game!
3. Looking for the toys was creepy AF. Some really well placed jump scares, and the audio/music here was creepy.
4. I really enjoyed your game. The story was interesting, had funny moments, and I loved the ending! :-) Really great game!!!
1. Great artwork, character design, and environments.
2. Love the small objects you can find and pick up. However, when you pick them up in the dark with the flashlight, they are just black silhouettes. Seeing them lit up and in full color would be nice.
3. Is the fog supposed to be inside the house? Also... some of the fireflies outside are bleeding through the door. Not sure if you want that. Not a huge deal, though. Just minor details.
1. Great tutorial. Easy to read and follow. You explained the basic controls, and I understood what I was doing. Kept it simple, which is a good thing.
2. Crouch (C) appears to be a bit glitchy right now. When you crouch, you bounce down, up and then down... same with getting up—just a jarring animation.
3. The rest of the controls were great and easy to understand.
1. Oh, the opening voice acting was really good! BRAVO HERE!
2. Nice outdoor audio, music, and sound design. Really well put together!
3. The background audio has an odd break in the loop. It just stops, quiet, and then picks up again. Not a huge deal but noticeable.
1. I think I found a bug by accident. It only happens if you do it in this order LOL You're welcome for breaking your game :-D Start the game, and you're on the main menu. I click "Options," which then takes me to the options screen. If you hit the ESC key... it then takes you to a screen that only shows... "Resume Game," "Options," "Controls," "Exit to Main Menu," & "Quit Game." There's no new game, and if I hit resume game... it just takes me to a black screen that goes nowhere. Hitting ESC takes me back to the title screen with those same options, but New Game isn't there still. The only way out of this is to click "Exit to Main Menu" and then start a "New Game." Nothing crashed or froze, and I was easily able to just go back to the original main menu, but I figured I'd let you know.
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