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Haunting Humans Studio

A member registered Feb 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks a lot for playing! Yeah, this is just a prequel to tell a little bit about the situations that happened before the main game we are working on. The Demo is already on steam, so while we work on the enhancements we made this short story for that reason. So thanks for taking the time and all your comments are really helpfull for us to make the experience better :)

In the quiet night of 1965, Amanda, known as Amy, battles insomnia once again. So many sleepless nights make a person question reality. As she grapples with her disintegrating sanity, a strange mark on her leg serves as a haunting reminder of the inexplicable events unfolding around her. Can you keep her safe from the unknown forces closing in? Only time will tell her fate.

This is a prequel that will introduce you to our main game in development called "Who Are You!?", Demo Available on Steam!

Muchas gracias por jugar!! haremos unos pequeños updates en este pronto, y "Who Are You!?" esta en desarrollo y en steam la demo actualmente :) Gracias por tomarte el tiempo!

Waves from Argentina! Hey, this game is amazing... We tried it together with the team and man, great building the atmosphere, good jumpscare. I loved the trucks! Everything is well placed, the idea and the twist towards the end is really something. I got the good ending so i guess i'll try to get a bad one! Great Work!

Dalkien - Haunting Humans

The atmosphere in the game is really nice, also the sound and the intro with the menu. Once you start the game you have a nice cinematic and you really wonder what's going to happen next. The only down side and it's understandable being a jam game is that there's no initial tutorial or indicators to guide the player better. Just by adding that, something small, maybe even as you approach the places you need to interact with having the character saying something about it, etc. It won't break immersion and will help get things better from the beginning. But there's a lot of nice potential in this and the art and how the map was designed is really nice! Lovely work!

Dalkien - Haunting Humans.

A really great experience, very well executed and with the right game design in place. The puzzles are amazing!

Dalkien - Haunting Humans.

I really enjoyed the illustration and the level design. You're entirely guided by reading the notes left by the crew bodies, maintaining immersion. I particularly liked that aspect.

Liam - Haunting Humans Studio

Great game, enjoyed it! It kept me focused throughout. Personally, I'd lower the number of kills - felt like taking down 500 aliens was a bit much. Otherwise, it's well-executed!

Liam - Haunting Humans Studio

The game is very enjoyable and as it has been said the vibe is very nice, with some tweeks here and there like the camera this will be a very nice experience!

Thanks for taking the time to play and your comments!

thank you so much!

gracias por jugarlo!

hahaha sometimes he is not!


As i said on the game page, this is really nice and i loved it, and now i have an obsession for kidnapping cows on my spaceship. Lol. The sound is very nice and i loved the art!

Dalkien, Haunting Humans.

Thanks! and thank you for the advise, We forgot to turn the exposure off before building it so we just let it be like that for now. Once the Jam is over we'll do all the QOL updates to make sure it's better, also there's some cinematics and story elements that will be added. So thanks a lot for taking the time to play! :)

Thanks for playing! The story is there, is just that we couldn't finish to add all the elements in the given time. We'll be updating that after the game jam is over. Also this is a prequel that explains some of the events of another game we have in development called "Who Are You!?" But once we can add the elements that are missing everything will make more sense!

Thank you for the feedback! We have some things to fix, so we will definitely improve the lighting in the next update

Thanks for playing!

The sounds are really amazing, and it's quite adictive. I didn't knew i needed this game in my life, but now i'm certain is what i want haha. For real is very enjoyable! Great one! 

Dalkien from Haunting Humans.

It should, try again cause we were updating the zip :)

The game is on Steam now, so all the recent updates can only be found there:

(1 edit)

Hello, Humans!👽

We are excited to share that we are on the top 100! Yes! We made it to the finals of the Indie of the Year Awards here on IndieDB. We want to thank everybody who voted for us and all the people who have been supporting us since we launched the demo. Now the final round of the competition is ongoing; please vote for us one more time! Just click here!

Also, we are working on the next update. While the intention is to release it this month, as the year comes to an end, there are various personal and professional matters that we need to take care of. So let's hope for the best! Here's a sneak peek 👀


See you soon, human... 👽

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Muchas gracias por tomarte el tiempo y jugar! Vamos preparando mas cosas para Halloween!

The art was very cute! congrats for this game, i liked a lot. but if one of my character dies, i dont know how to revive him ;(  . Either way,it's a nice minimalist game that give me a lot of peace <3

good exercise for the wrists! I never played something like that, I really liked the mechanics. I would add different types of enemies. but beyond all it is a very entertaining game!

Muchas gracias por jugar! Y así es, justamente estamos trabajando fuertemente en todo el apartado de sonido y en agregar todos los elementos que hacen a la historia, así que en los proximos updates se va a estar profundizando mucho más en todo esto para poder dar mucho más sentido a las situaciones ya desde la demo. Así que habrá varias sorpresas en los proximos updates, así como mejoras en los model de los personajes para dar un poco más de realismo. 

Gracias por las buenas vibras y tomarte el tiempo!!

Interesting game, the concept feels different and it's really nice

I couldn't get my head around the mechanics at first but then as most people mentioned it gets really easy.

i played around with the different cards seeing how it affects the growth on the cactus and everything works well, but it needs to be longer, and i couldn't find an scenario where i would lose, so maybe will be nice if you play around that part adding more difficulty to it. 

I see a lot of future on the game if you twitch that, and maybe improve a bit on the music and work around the graphics, which are nice now but i think among time it can get better.

Keep up with the great work, this is really nice!

hmm tendría que revisarlo de nuevo, fue aproximadamente despues de avanzar unas cuantas veces. Tuve 6 o 7 peleas. Junte unas 2 o 3 bombas y 2 medikit. Luego veo de nuevo y en tal caso paso captura si te sirve!

First of all, thanks for playing and your time!

Indeed regarding the timer, it's a design choice to add to the feeling of desperation, not being able to realize if you are ok with time or not, it's also part of how the story goes, which we are going to be showing more in the next updates!

We'll consider the TV situation, totally something we'll be checking on!

We are working on the lighting for that part so it can be seen better, there's lot of fun work to do!

Thanks again for taking the time!

Thanks for playing!

All noted, we are still working on the materials and such, and the window is a thing that's on the backlog to work on. I watched the stream and we noted the things you mentioned. So we'll keep working hard on enhancing the whole experience!

First of all, Thanks for playing and taking the time! indeed this is just the Demo and it's on it's early stages of development so every comment helps a lot and you made your points very clear. Which is fantastic, so thanks a lot for your time. 

Regarding what you mentioned we are working towards fixing and balancing the cornfield, it's the first task that's why we only made 1 toy difficult to find, but we are working on adding more time to it and stuff like that. So bear with us, we are going to make it work haha. 

Regarding the story, first of all we are all learning on how to do stuff, so we are working on the cinematics and flashbacks, eventually everything will be well explained so you can get emotionally attached to this family and understan better what's the situation, the demo will be fully updated and we have big news regarding voice acting, that we'll be sharing soon in our socials. But i can promise we are going to reach de deepness that we want to provide. Also a psychologist advisor just joined the team to add more to the psychological depth of horror, the idea is to bring this story alive. Also the whole dialogues and such are being reviewed now, english is not our first language so yeah, we saw how certain grammar mistakes break the immersion as well, so thanks for pointing that out!

There's a couple of things you mentioned that will help us a lot to make things better for everyone, we want people to get really into the story and feel this is a game to come to. There's 3 levels more that will be developed for the full release, so there's a lot to do but we'll continue improving!

I don't usually write this longer replies either, but i wanted to thank you and let you know we are doing this for the love of gaming and story-telling. So having opinions like this, make us work harder! Thanks one more time for your time and comment!

Hello! First, I'd like to say that the idea of the game is cute and cozy. I'll point out some issues, yet I think the game has potential.


  • After using the banana in a recipe, it didn't disappear from the inventory. I loaded the game again and then the same issue happened with the apple.
  • I tried to give the mysterious item to the mother, but the icon item didn't disappear from the cursor; it got stuck during the rest of the game.


  • The trash in the inventory didn't work. Every time I clicked the icon, the character would move instead.
  • The "make" button didn't work at first; I had to exit and click the cauldron again.


  • I got stuck several times. While being in the kitchen, sometimes it wouldn't let me move the character or open the inventory. I could only click the vegetables book and the cauldron.
  • I couldn't pass the first recipe. In the description of the game, the recipes are written (which I appreciate a lot, lol). But while executing the first recipe inside the game, it ended up with a "mysterious item" as the final product. I tried changing the amount and order of the ingredients, but the result was always the same.

Visuals and Graphics:

  • I like the graphics, especially how the main character is drawn. But I don't feel all the assets in the game match. I can see the idea of mixing different art styles between the characters and the backgrounds, but I feel they need to blend better with each other.

What can i say amigo, Great experience and coming from a neighbour country! (We are from Argentina) The feeling was really nice, and i like the story, following the connections and how you can lose time points depending on the conversations. The Aesthetics are also really nice! things i can suggest hmm....

Well you already said that you are working on combat and such, that's the part that i'd focus the most, since at some point the combat seemed detached from the gameplay experience, maybe adding more info when getting into combat, something to explain more

Music was really good, it's a nice BGM for this type of game, and +1 for having the sound sliders that sometimes most games doesn't have.

1 issue i had was that after advancing a lot, and after a fight, the screen went all black and i couldn't keep playing.

I can agree that the map needs more variety, but overall this is a great game, and i can see it reaching steam. Great story and idea. Will keep an eye on it!

Thanks for your feedback, yeah if the TV is on the tape should play and after that finishes there's a cassette that appears next to the TV that leads you to the next map. On the newer version we optimized the game and added the posibility to watch the VHS in fullscreen too. 

Funny thing is that for the flashlight, we added that part since in the first version of the game people was complaining that they couldn't see it. So we added that like in a funny way. But we are always trying to improve this things so we'll check again on best ways to implement that part.

But again, thanks a lot for playing and your inputs, helps a lot to make things better!

Fun game, but i'd add too that it needs to have a map selection, are the maps in different themes? Cause that also could make the game more interesting. The camera following the dish was on point. Just great mechanic. 

Regarding music, i was not really fond to it. i'd say at some point it became a bit annoying so had to turn the volume down. Maybe even with an 8 bits track but more lo-fi inclined, or if it's going to be adding to the feeling of rush to it, maybe mixing two different tracks that changes over time?

In any case, the game is really fun. If you add like different power ups over time, and such. Will make it like a really crazy and fun game. Keep up with the great work!

I was able to play the game but only changing it to fullscreen, otherwise the same issue happens where the text is all scrambled and can't be read. 

The idea seems interesting, but maybe the game needs more updates, i feel the story has something to it and can be good if you keep working on it.

A few comments.

-BGM is really nice

-I've got the wine but didn't know how to give it to the bartender if there was a way.

-The lack of menu or initial controls / tutorial, makes it difficult at the beginning

-loved the character design, that's really good!

I'd like to see more of the game once this is polished and updated, it has potential to be something really nice.

The overall game and idea is really good. 

Things were well placed, and the balance regarding moving from easiest to hardest is nice as well, the ai guards move really well on the environment.

One thing i'd add is maybe some more BGM and SFX, i think that with good music it can one of those games you won't stop playing. Really great work!

Interesting game, the hazards were well placed, and it's nice that each tree corresponds to a different "biome" in a way. 

The design and graphics are alright, and the music and SFX are nice too. 

The only big issue i can see is with the camera, since it has too much sensitivity and it's inverted. So sometimes a simple path becamos something really difficult to handle, unless this was intended to add more difficulty, otherwise i can see this is a really fun game, but if you'll continue working on it, please improve the camera so it's more enjoyable

the game seems that it could be nice and interesting, it's alright for being a start. But i believe there's more that can be added among time to make it really good.

- Music needs some rework as it was mentioned, and will make it more enjoyable

- Collisions with the spikes sometimes are a bit off, and you die without being really close to them.

- Adding more text or explaning the story a bit further will make the player get involved with the objective of the game

- Some objects like the ladders need at least for the first time have some visual tutorial or something to let people know those are ladders and that they can press up to climb. At first there's a high chance people won't realize those are ladders

- Adding controls or a small tutorial in the beginning will also be a good addition.

All of this requires a lot of work of course, but if you plan to expand the game or keep working on it, i hope this advises help you out. Overall the game is fun and i had a good time trying to beat it!