Oof.. this is soooooo tempting. I'm late to the party. But the question is.... can I?
Since my last post I've followed the following recipe.
With the above ingredients in mind, the recipe is just the stages of your product, with something to show at each stage. I am using the following:
This is the product I aim to deliver for the game jam.
Of course there are next steps:
Repeat the last step. Products are v0.3, v0.4 etc. Do this until a playtest round no longer yields significant blanks. Product: core game that has no longer been showing significant design gaps (v1.0).
I'm Just saying this because it has been my roadmap, so far it has been working for me, and hopefully it will inspire you towards something that works for you. By keeping it simple and minimal, it was possible to go from 0 words on paper to a play test within a week. Do the thing!
That's a great recipe. I think the thing I'm missing are the people to playtest with. I have friends who would play but nobody has been very receptive to playing a game that might not work. And I don't feel like kidnapping them =P Instead I've re-written and re-written until I can't think of any more loopholes, and I've run through some rounds of combat to see if it works.
It's like baking a cake without flour. You can do it but oof.
Latest playtest copy of my jam game was not at a stage where I wanted to publish it online. Sad to say I missed the deadline.
“I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.” ~Douglas Adams
But I am committed to finishing this now, and I have the jam to thank for thar.
Talldave when Im behind my laptop Ill send you the commented doc I had while reading!
Idk, I've found with a lot written projects it's a lot easier to submit a project knowing it's not perfect and keep improving. If I kept waiting until my game was perfect I never would have finished the jam.
Then again, I'm no good at graphic design or any of that stuff, so it's not like I was going to dress it up either haha. Maybe someday.