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(27 edits)

With the Winter Jam at an end, in a way it has only begun. With all the new modules available to us, wintertime has become an exciting time to explore the Land of Cicadas. Here's a little guide on how to create a rich winter campaign in the Land of Cicadas. 

0. Bringing your existing summer campaign into winter

Odds are you already have a campaign going and are in the middle of summer. If not, skip this step. It might not seem like it, but there are plenty of ways to transition it into winter! Here are some ideas.

  • Travel to the other hemisphere. The party has ruffled the wrong feathers and need to disappear. Snow Traders from across the hemisphere will take the party back with them, far away into a land that is now in winter, for a price. Use the module Snow Traders and any of the region modules in the section 'Look for Greener Pastures' below.
  • Timeslip! Like watt mentioned, Cloud Empress includes plenty of the weird so that wardens and creators can use that to diegetically mould the world to fit their own ideas. A freak slip incident can take them forward in time. Perhaps related to the slippery winter weather from the Whiteout! module.
  • Alternate reality beyond the slip. Just like cursed people can emerge from alternate realities through the slip, so can you. Here, it's winter. It seems to you that everyone shares a curse here. To them, you're the cursed one.
  • Help a community of farmerlings prepare for winter. If the players want to devote themselves to hard work preparing the Farmerlings for the harsh winter, how about you zoom out with a storytelling session or montage that spans months? @parodical_son suggested using a game like The Quiet Year, which I think is a great shout.
  • Winter has come early. As the Century brood came early, so did winter. Perhaps with a transitional session for fall to happen. What caused winter to come early? Perhaps it is related to the Whiteout, or a wish granted by the Cloud Empress. Perhaps the answer is as unknown as the answer to the early arrival of the century brood. Perhaps the answers are connected.
  • The slow burn. It has to be included. And this is how my own group did it. Between sessions, a week passes for downtime. If you play long enough, it's winter. 

Several of the options above could also be used to bring players back from winter to summer so that you can always go back to summer content in the future.

1. Wintrify the Land of Cicadas

Follow  the steps below to wintrify the existing Land of Cicadas.

  1. Swap the Couriers Table with Couriers from Snow Traders. This adds winter trade and new adventure hooks for The Land of Cicadas year one.
  2. Adjust Travel Rules from The Land of Cicadas according to the Travel in the Whistling Valley rules in Chalk and Ice. This adds harsh winter weather and deters hunting, gathering and finding shelter.
  3. You could swap the Weather Table from the above travel rules with the Regional Weather from Oriven, based on personal preference. This adds winter weather specific to the microclimates players might travel through.
  4. Add the characters Soot and Soil to Tack Town. This adds a sense of slowing down during winter, and philosophising about the bigger picture.
  5. Hold the Dance of the Dead festival from the Lowland Festivals , in which farmerlings bring their dead to the frozen feeding grounds.
  6. Freeze the acid lake in the east, and have four local settlements compete to be the champion of this year's Little War On Ice using Challengers on Ice.
  7. Reread what the official year one materials have to say about winter, priming your mind to reinterpret existing prompts that were written for summer. How is Tack Town changed by the Council's Winter Heads? Are all the cicadas gone now? Has the 29th expedition fully retreated? What's the Order of the Broken Bread up to in their absence?

2. Hand out wintry stuff to your players

These are things you can give to the players, or place somewhere for them to find, adding themes of winter through their characters.

3. Session 1: Trap them in a blizzard

When in doubt on how to start your winter campaign, start in a blizzard  while traveling. If you wintrified the existing Land of Cicadas, you'll probably find that traveling is way too dangerous. That means you're doing it right. There's a good reason people do not travel in winter. When players find themselves in great peril on the road or in the wild without any decent shelter, that's a great time to lure them into one of these strange and isolated locations until the blizzard subsides.

  • Perhaps the blizzard is unnatural; an ethereal curtain of falling snow. This could be the first introduction of the Whiteout, and could set players on a longer path to find Brightstar Experimental Laboratories. If they can find shelter first that is. Perhaps in one of the following locations;
  • The Crack (Slipping Through the Cracks), for when you want to give your characters a place they could spend up to a week in. 
  • A cave ( The Tearful Tragedy of the Hannelore-Marr Party) provides 'slip-looped horror'.
  • A pillbox with a small bunker (Low Lying Mist), when you want to explore the intimacy of two strangers reliant upon eachother to survive the isolation of winter.
  • Nebb's Nook (Cold Comfort at Nebb's Nook), when you want the creepyness of a small isolated family and 'infant curses'.

4. Even settlements are frostbitten by winter

If your characters survived the road or the wild, well done. But even the settlements aren't safe. Here are some new settlements with wintry situations to confront your players with.

  • Timbrilin (Stolen Summer).  A settlement under siege, with a battle between two large groups playing out in multiple phases.
  • Marzanna (Marzanna's Blazing Heart). Somewhere in the Breadbasket. A strange device that protects against winter's bite has gone wrong.
  • The Hollow (Hollow Wishes) explores the seeming aftereffects in winter of the missing Cloud Empress' travels during the summer.
  • Frosford, a frontier town from which players can Journey To The Crystal Caverns.
  • Lake Beryl (Beneath the Lake); a town with a dungeon underneath, hiding a cool secret.

5. Look for greener pastures - to no avail

The roads, the wilds and the settlements are all dangerous during winter. An ideal opportunity to tempt your players to find greener pastures beyond the confines of the hex map. Spoiler: things only ever become stranger, never safer. Here are some new regions to explore.

6. Forfeit outdoor travel and spend a whole campaign inside

If players come to the conclusion that winter travel is a fool's errand anywhere  in the Land of Cicadas, they are correct. The wise choice would be to give up travel altogether. With the modules below, it's also an interesting choice that can last you a campaign. But will they go up? Or down?

  • Players may travel upwards to the Upsilon Cloud city, a collection of modules with enough districts to have a winter campaign without traveling outside its walls. Use this if you want a big city that lasts you a campaign.
  • Players may travel downwards to The Unseen City, an underground biome. The module contains the adventure Down the Snail's Spire. Within the mazeworld of the Unseen City lies the Marble Palace. While more details about this palace are underway, you can already play Frozen Wings, an adventure in the Marble Palace. 
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I played as a Slipsinger for the first time the other night. The more magic they perform, the more out of control they get, until ultimately they self-destruct. Knowing this from the start was very liberating as a player. It encouraged me to play passionately and recklessly. Would recommend.

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The jam period has ended with an impressive number of submissions from newcomers and familiar designers alike. Check them out and leave a rating if you like them. But now the fun has only begun. With a pletora of new content for your Cloud Empress game, what will you be using first?

Creators who submitted within the period are eligible for 1 of 20 Cloud Empress patches. Winners are selected randomly. More on this soon.

For those like myself who missed the deadline for whatever reason; we are accepting late submissions. Just upload it to Itch and send me the page link at p.elroy+winterjam [@] to submit your game.

Cloud Empress Winter Jam Weekly Roundup: Week 3

  • Three new winter adventures and a ritual have been submitted. Go check them out! If you like it, don't forget to rate it.
  • We've now entered the last jam week. Submit your entry on time to be eligible for the Cloud Empress patch giveaway. Need help? Let us know!


I havent been having this issue on macbook air m2. You could try asking in the  CE-fan_content channel of the Worlds by watt Discord server too.

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Cloud Empress Winter Jam Weekly Roundup - Week Two of Four

Three more fantastic modules have been submitted to the jam. Go check them out. Remember to leave a rating if you like it; this helps the creator.

We now enter week 3 of 4. How's your concept going? Have you had the chance to get started on it yet? Now's as good a time as any. How's the progress going? Could you use some help? Let us know.

Another layer has now been submitted; Antaglos. You are again welcome to use it as the setting for an adventure of your own.

Antaglos; a gothic cloud city district for Cloud Empress
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Cloud Empress Winter Jam: Week 1 Wrap Up

The first jam week is over, and we end with the power of three:

  1. Three entries submitted.
  2. Three previews shared.
  3. Three weeks left to go.

Three submissions

The first submissions have already been wonderful, from adventures in the snow, to city discricts to keep your players busy while they're cooped up during winter.

Three previews

There's more adventures already underway, from an unassuming mystery to a full on battleground. Join the #ce_fan_content channel on the worldsbywatt Discord server to join the brainstorm.

  • Blood in the Snow by @Christian | MeatCastle
  • Stolen Summer by @TysonNW
  • Challengers on Ice by @tomateunmate

Three more weeks

If you want to join but haven't started yet, there is still plenty of time; let us know what you're thinking of and join the fun. We have plenty of resources to get you started:

  • Cloud Empress module templates
  • A seminar by watt on writing literary adventures for Cloud Empress & beyond
  • Lots of third party resources for TTRPG design in general.

The bottom layer of Upsilon City has now been submitted; The Belly, by Chloe Shields. You are welcome to use it as the setting for an adventure of your own.

So... game jam to fill Antarctica with adventures?

Only six(-ish) hours to go before the jam starts! Have you got an idea and the tool to bring it to life? Let us know in the Community page or on the #ce_fan_content channel of the Worlds by watt Discord server

If you want some context on how to hit the tone of adventure writing that Cloud Empress is known for, watt has done a seminar to share insights on just that.

Happy new year everyone! We're just one small week away from the jam. Do you know what you're going to make yet? Do you have all the tools you want to use at your fingertips? Discuss in this thread so that we can help eachother be ready to go when the jam starts!

In case you missed it, there's been a few updates regarding the available resources.

The fall of the city is not a done deal. Rather there is a little faction play in the setting, and the various houses can take from the monument to boost their own petty goal. But they will be taking blocks from the proverbial jenga tower that will eventually fall if they keep pulling.

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Connecting the ecological themes of Cloud Empress with the threat of an increasingly long and harsh winter definitely sounds cool. Perhaps even in some way caused by the chalk as a pollutant - directly or indirectly - or nature's defence against the polluters.

Having a worldwide yearlong winter would definitely sound like a campaign-defining feature to me, rather than a local adventure. So if that's not what you're going for you could try making it a more local meteorological phenomenon, perhaps with the threat of its expansion?

However you choose to go about it, I'm looking forward to see what comes out of it!

Hey! I also ran into this problem. If you open a template without installing any of the fonts you should get a pop-up in Publisher about missing fonts, which should lead you to the following messages in the font manager. 

The missing fonts are ITC Serif Gothic, AndroclesOpti-Heave and Futura PT. You can fix this as follows.

  1. AndroclesOpti-Heavy is included in the zipfile of the templates in its own separate folder. Just install the font inside that folder.
  2. ITC Serif Gothic is a font that is free for commercial use and can be downloaded from various places, such as
  3. Futura PT can be downloaded as well, but looking into it while writing this response, it seems to be free for personal use only.

I'm guessing the absence of the latter two fonts went under watt's radar because these were already installed on their machine. I'll check in with watt.

Not much is known about winter, because summer is the time of travel. Even late fall and early spring are omitted from the weather table, which tells us something about how harsh winter itself must be. But there are little pieces of information here and there in the official materials that give an impression of what winter might be like in the Land of Cicadas. Here are some snippets that I came along. Did I miss any?


Farmerlings live in cycles, hunkering down in the winter with new friends and partners, dispersing in the summer to become smaller targets for emerging Imago, matching ceremony and practicality in equal measure.
Each year there is a rush to collect [chalk] before the weather turns wet and cold, and the chalk turns foul in the fall rains.
[The Lordlings’] kindness diminishes with their winter food stores, and [sellswords have] been sent off into the snow one too many times. A full stomach and a warm place to lay down is enough for most Sellswords.
Imago rise in the summer and sleep in the winter, consuming vast quantities of bone and tree sap.
Even lifelong experts throw up their hands when asked where the cicadas go in the winter,
For all its dangers, the summer is also warm and free. The summer is a time of great migration in the Lowland Wastes. Folk collectively yawn, stretch their legs, and get to traveling after a hard winter in tight quarters.

Land of Cicadas

All prepare for fields to burn, folks to die, and Imago to head into winter fat on the bones of humanity.
[Tack Town:] In the market, travelers buy handfuls of seeds with their winter savings, preparing to make their way back to ancient farmlands. There is no singular day of departure, just a growing feeling that it is time to move on. Folks trickle out, four or five at a time, and only the old and unwell stay behind preparing Tack Town for its next winter.
[Tack Town:] Spring, Summer, and Fall Heads of Council are picked by lottery while Winter Heads are elected for their frugality and sound judgment.

Newsletter Downloads

Dance of the Dead: Even in Tack Town and the Living Land’s protected towers Winter’s cold fingers inflict cruel punishment on the vulnerable. Unable to bury their dead, costumed Farmerlings mournfully waltz the dead’s funeral urns to final resting places in Feeding Grounds after the morning frost ends, but before the Imago appear.

The wardens of the RPG Night Utrecht have come together to create a suitable setting for our winter campaign setting. While it started as a local project, we would love to share it so that others can join and fill it with adventures. Of course you are welcome to do your own standalone thing, but if the setting inspires you to write something for it, we would love that.

Upsilon City
the falling chandelier

Upsilon City is a sky city that is slowly falling apart as its lordling houses pilfer crests from its central monument piece by piece. It has began to slant, and new buildings are erected on top of the old in lopsided angles. From the high observatories, to the fungal growth below thriving in proximity to the Spread. The anchors that are slowly eroding are alike the sword of Damocles for those whose entire livelyhoods reside in the city or the Wastelands below.

We will add more details soon. Please let us know if you're interested to join. There's a couple of ways to do so;

  • Let one of the disctricts inspire you to write an adventure module. 
  • It might be cool to create a tiny hexflower for the Wasteland below if you want to join the setting, but would rather write for the Wastelands instead of a cloud city.

It's great to hear from you again Esben. Max and I fondly remember you checking in on the game's progression during development. It gives me so much joy to know Incarnis has enriched your storytelling. May the gods be with you!

Is this still up to date? I want to hand your commission pamphlet to my Mothership players at an open table campaign.

Just played this with two friends and it was such a lot of fun! Fun premise, evocative prompts and welcoming presentation. I really enjoyed discovering the animals and their ecosystem together.

Love it! Small request... could you make the weather conditions that cause exhaustion bold? That way I'd have all the weather info on one sheet!

Latest playtest copy of my jam game was not at a stage where I wanted to publish it online. Sad to say I missed the deadline. 

“I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.” ~Douglas Adams 

But I am committed to finishing this now, and I have the jam to thank for thar.

Talldave when Im behind my laptop Ill send you the commented doc I had while reading!


Loving the feel of the PDF copy. Mine has an issue which I'm not sure is just me or something else. When opening the PDF that I downloaded today in Acrobat Reader on Windows 10, some pages have backgrounds that do not load, causing white text on a white background. From the preview on the Itch page I can tell that there is supposed to be a background color there. Screenshot below. 


Hi ajstamm,

I've copied the reply to your question from the kickstarter comments below. I think you added a question on creating a new card here. The creature card represents the creature itself, so you can treat it as such. When the gods interact with it, you may change it to reflect any transformation it has undergone, as you would with any other creation.

Copy-paste of Kickstarter reply:

Incarnis was not designed with solo play as a core focus, but it is something we want to encourage and support, so any feedback in this regard is much appreciated. The module Feuding Pantheons on page 34-35 includes automa which we think can be dropped into a solo game nicely to add some agency outside of your own control.

You are exactly right about the landmarks. In Incarnis, Domains are what make things mythical. So a 'mundane' city has a form (this could simply be 'city'), but does not have a domain yet. As you say, it can receive a domain during play and become something mythical. A Sky city, an underwater city or even a new god.

Fabled creatures are first and foremost creatures rather than places. During playtesting, we received feedback that it was confusing to call a creature a landmark, so we phrased this as a creature dwelling. Either way, the intention is simply that you create fabled creatures and give them a place in your play area. Feel free to move and change your creature around as your fiction demands!

We hope you have fun with the game. Please feel free to message us if you have any more questions or feedback.

Hey, I just noticed you already uploaded something. You're ahead of me on that count. I enjoyed reading it! I tend to take notes when I read stuff, happy to share if you're interested, but I don't want to overstep :)

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Yea, I should really count my blessings on having people around who are up for a messy playtest. If you wanna do an online play test sometime for your game, hit me up.

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Since my last post I've followed the following recipe.


  • The bare minimum of what counts as a unique idea.
  • The philosophy of rapid development and minimal viable product; break your product up into a series of stages. Only do the bare minimum to get to the first next stage and nothing else. Then, share the result to get feedback, and only then move on to the next stage. It is scary. Do it. 
  • Knowledge of games to steal from. If your core idea is unique, your building blocks don't have to be; the only way to realize a unique idea is to stack building blocks in a unique way. It does not matter if the building blocks are unique or not. The way you stack them is already value that you create (if you want to sell, be aware of copyright).
  • A safe space to fail in. Like a group of friends who will enjoy a playtest night together even if the game bombs.

With the above ingredients in mind, the recipe is just the stages of your product, with something to show at each stage. I am using the following:


  • unique idea. I've pitched my idea to the community as soon as I had anything close to an idea. Product: idea pitch.
  • Core moves. I then wrote down the core moves of the game (Powered by the Apocalypse style) and left details and even some key components blank, and turned on the bat-signal for a playtest. Product: Incomplete moves list.
  • Play-test to fill the blanks. I then ran a playtest session with friends who will enjoy an evening together even if the game bombs, and who are cool with me filling those blanks in on the fly. There's just something about a live session that sets my brain into motion in a way my writing desk does not. In game development, playtesting is king. Do it ASAP. Do it often. Just one session was enough to fill the minimum amount of blanks  I think I need to fill to write a minimal viable product of a public playtest kit on itch. My aim is to finish the playtest kit in the next few days, encourage people to hopefully give one round of feedback. Product: Playtest kit that addresses intended blanks (v0.1). Contains complete core moves (the game's ingredients) and procedure of play (the game's recipe).
  • In the first playtest, there were known blanks. I play tested to spark inspiration to fill them. The playkit is a bare minimal core with no intended gaps. I hope that I can quickly find people to use the playtest kit with the purpose of finding unintended blanks, and use their feedback to create a new playtest kit that fills these unintended blanks. Product: playtest kit that addresses unintended blanks (v0.2).

This is the product I aim to deliver for the game jam.

Of course there are next steps:

Repeat the last step. Products are v0.3, v0.4 etc. Do this until a playtest round no longer yields significant blanks.  Product: core game that has no longer been showing significant design gaps (v1.0).

  •  Then, if if I want, I can expand my core game by repeating the whole recipe all over again towards creating v2.0. The only difference then would be that a unique idea is no longer a requirement, as I would still be building on the idea of v1 0.
  • Use that feedback for one update round, and then finish this game jam with a play tested player kit v0.2 that is playable, fun, and begging to be expanded. 

I'm Just saying this because it has been my roadmap, so far it has been working for me, and hopefully it will inspire you towards something that works for you. By keeping it simple and minimal, it was possible to go from 0 words on paper to a play test within a week. Do the thing!

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Oof.. this is soooooo tempting. I'm late to the party. But the question is.... can I?

Hi Leafo,

I can't find any e-mail from after the one on Tuesday 3rd asking to contact from another address. Strange! But regardless, thank you for letting me know that it should work now. I tried it right away, and my backers have now received their keys.

Kind regards,

Thank you! Much appreciated :)

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Hi all,

I tried to send keys of my game to my Kickstarter backers, but need admin approval to do this for the first time. It's been 21 days since I received word from them, and still haven't received that approval, with no apparent explanation. Does anyone know about anything that's going on that would explain the radio silence? I'm 100% sure that I'm sending to , but received only 1 reply, 21 days ago, and nothing after that. I thought maybe it was just the holidays and everyone's on vacation, but I do see admin activity. Help! :)

Thank you,


(6 edits)

We've released Incarnis on two weeks ago after a successful Kickstarter campaign, and tried to send the backers their keys through the interaction tab of Itch's developer dashboard. Only after pressing send were we notified that approval is required to do this. There was no warning  about this on the interaction tab before pressing send. 

The problem is, that in order to tell people that they can trust the e-mail from , we had to send out an update prior to sending the keys, telling our backers that they can trust the pending email from Itch. This update was now two weeks ago, and in the meantime we have been distributing our game with workarounds, where we would have loved to do so through the storefront so that we could see the number of visits and downloads. 

This issue could have been easily prevented if there was just a simple warning on the interact tab before pressing send, so our request is to please place one to avoid unexpected issues for other developers in the future.

Looking into it, we noticed that there have been similar reports asking for this approval step and possible waiting time to be signalled clearly, so that developers can take this into account when releasing their game. There was no response about placing this warning back then, but hopefully we can hear your thoughts on this now. 

Kind regards,
