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In Need of an Artist! <3

A topic by Matija Milaković created Nov 08, 2020 Views: 162
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Submitted (1 edit)


We’re a recently-established team of four making a side-scroller runner/platformer game set on the Moon in the near future. Since our game prototype is nearly complete, we are in need of an artist that could make our game actually look the part.

Specifically, we are looking for an artist who can draw in a darker, more solid look for our game. The game was originally imagined in a pixel art style, but as long as your style fits with the tone of our game, that’ll work too.

Your job would be to draw and animate the characters (3 characters, one of which can be in multiple variants), make the few tilesets that we need and some other sprites like a prettier health bar.

We have a project board that holds plenty more details about our game, so if this caught your interest so far, you’re welcome to message me on Discord (Kreateer#9930) and we can discuss further details!

We’re looking forward to working with you! ^^