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Unity Programmer Weeb Looking For Team

A topic by CG-Tespy created Sep 08, 2023 Views: 159 Replies: 2
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I've a fair bit of experience with Unity, having recently gotten the Unity Associate Programmer certification. Am soon going to publish a royalty-free, open-source Music Gallery System that's already developed enough to use in an actual game. A lot of stuff I made is on my, but just about everything I've released to the public is on my Github:

I'd prefer to work on a game that will have an art style I like. In case my avatar and the title of this thread didn't make it clear, anime's my fave xD


Unrelated question, CG. After taking the test, who do you send the other requirements to (projects, coursework, etc) to get the UAP Cert?

I guess it depends on where you took the test. I myself didn't have to send anything