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The Ninja iLLusionView game page

keep track of the real Ninja while avoid getting hit by the illusions
Submitted by Raed Tabani (@Dev_raed), malek_nassar, mousa_raef — 6 hours, 44 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Theme - استخدام موضوع الزنقة#83.4173.417
Fun Factor - عامل التسلية#142.8332.833
Overall - التقييم عام#153.0003.000
Innovation - الابداع#212.9172.917
Sound - الصوتيات#272.6672.667
Graphics/Visuals - المرئيات/الجرافيكس#282.9172.917

Ranked from 12 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Game Engine Name اسم المحرك:

Team Name, if you have any اسم الفريق ان وجدت
Team Ninja

Who worked on this game? (Name List) اسماء الذين عملوا على صناعة اللعبة
Raed Tabani
Mousa Raed
Malek Al Hussieni

Country? الدولة؟

If you used any Game Assets not done by your team, Must be Listed here :
1-unity asset store - 2D forest by Kvazi
2-unity Asset store - sprite package#1 by G.E TeamDev
3- ninja sprite from Moosader by rachel Morris
4- all Audio sounds are available and from

How to contact you? An E-mail preferred اذكر وسيلة تواصل؟ يفضل بريد الكتروني

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We are so glad you enjoyed our game ;)




Thank you so much for the feedback, we are adressing the issue of "how to play the game" as we are under the assumption that the instructions were a little unclear.

Im so glad you enjoyed ;)




شكرا صديقي نور سعيدين بمرورك ؛)م




Wow 52! Your like our best player so far :) im really glad you like the game. As for 90 degree collision we are still confused weathrr to treat it as a bug and fix it by adding a slight deviation if angle is 90 or close or weather to keep it as a scoring mechanism, would love ro hear what you think



Nice mechanic and the idea fit the theme perfectly, i manga to reach 52 by getting lucky and make the head collide at 90 degree xD. great job guys and good luck.



اللعبة واضحة جدا وفكرة ان النينجا ينسخ نفسة جميلة جدا اللعبة ممتعة جدا بالتوفق


شباب الي مش فاهم العبه

الي عليك انك تركز فالنينجا الاصلي والتبعلو

اذا ضربت النينجا الخطأ راح تخسر

لازم تضرب النينجا الصحيح


Lovely game! Very fast and polished, Only the cons is i didn't understand it in the beginning, But i can say this one, Got me addicted!

Well done bro :D

فكرة إبداعية

Cute Background

Suitable Sounds

Good Work


شرح اللعبة


I think balancing the game should be our main priority atm, we want the game to be mean and "insane" but not to the point that it affects play-ability, the worst thing for me, as player, is to feel the game is unfair especially after accumulating high score.

as for showing the real ninja after you lose, that is a good point ,perhaps even an evil laughter sound would go really well with it.

thanks for you feedback man and good luck to you as well :)


nice game, fits the theme

the game goes insane and lots of illusions, you better have this controlled, that would be great.

I think it would be better to show the real ninja when the player lose.

good luck.


it is very hard, but is really unfair? the real Ninja does follows the law of reflection, where the reflection angle is equal to the incidence angle with the surface normal, like this Image

given this new info, I would love if you were to give it another shot ;) my highest score so far is 31.

the game is intended to have multiple levels each with it's own speed difficulty, since there are so many beautiful level design ideas, but due to limited time we decided it's best to make an endless level with increasing speed as a linear function of score.

and I'm really glad you enjoyed it :)


nice game with nice idea, simple and good, thats what jams are about :) keep up the good work.

also, i think your game is kind of a little unfair/too hard. like seriously too hard.

i mean, there are not much indications on how the ball would act/which ones are the real and which ones are the fake ones.

i think maybe perhaps you could have had multiple levels, and in each level, you make it harder, because start off this hard is just.... plain roughness.

the ball movement was smooth, good job. the splits were nice, the animation effects where nice.

sounds quite fitting forthe game, good job overall.


*Spoiler Alert* :) good catch!, I've been testing it for god knows how many hours and didn't even notice, thanks for notifying me. I'm glad you enjoyed it :)


nice game :)

i noticed that the true head smaller from the rest :)


it does get very crazy very fast ;) what's your highest score so far


the game is almost impossible :'(

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