I'm just curious if anyone else is trying this challenge, if you are I would love to see everybody's takes on it. You don't have to share if you do not want to OfCourse!
From what I've seen there were some discussions about it. Feel free to join our Discord (if you haven't already) and share your idea in the #OPGames channel, would be awesome to see what you're working on!
I had a whole project related to NPC dialog generated with AI before the jam. I was thinking of using that, but eventually realized it didn't really fit the play style so I kinda abandoned that idea.
But now, I'm reaching the end of the jam and have a bit of time left, so I might take on the challenge after all!
The idea is simple. Just inform OpenAi about what's happening, and let it generate a piece of dialog. I think this could lead to fun interactions