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A topic by Tiarali created May 30, 2022 Views: 105 Replies: 1
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Submitted (1 edit)

I finished my game!  I tested it and it was fine!  And now it has a game breaking bug.  And I don't know why.  Can I upload it as a download so people can see what I was trying to do or am I just done?
I know it's my fault for having my code in such a mess that I can't find the problem, but as the clock ticked I just went as hard as I could :/

Edit: Nevermind, I got it working as a pc build, just not a WebGL build (it always freezes at the same point, I don't know why).  So maybe it'll be ok.


Hi there.

 What game engine did you use and do you use some sort of version control like GitHub where someone could see your source?