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How do we join as a team?

A topic by Serjio106 created Jan 25, 2023 Views: 148 Replies: 4
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I've been questioned for a while, if i have a team, should we all join a jam or one is enough? Or there is some kind of other way.

Jam Host(+2)

You can all join the jam, but only 1 person submits the game. And then in that game's setting, you add the accounts of your team mates as contributors so they show up on the game page as part of the team. If they're contributors on a game that is submitted to the jam, they can play/rate games in the jam during the voting period. 馃憤

Are you participate participating in the jam too?

Jam Host(+2)

No, I don't join the jams that I'm hosting/judging.

I prefer to spend that time commenting on and checking out the cool things people are making. 馃憤


OK, thank you!