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One Bullet Games unite!

A topic by KirklightGames created Aug 06, 2019 Views: 123 Replies: 2
Viewing posts 1 to 3

So many "one bullet mechanic" games have popped up in this jam. And everyone has great ways around the mechanic. What do you think of mine? Please rate it and I'll check yours out!

I think I did an ok job... right? Haha

Thanks for checking it out :)


Hey, I played your game a moment ago and I was really enjoying it. We've got similar mechanic of picking up :). Try out our game about smashing enemies of your tribe too!

Here is a trailer


My game is called One Shot In The Chamber, a wave based survival game where you must fight off hordes of enemies with the catch being, you have only one bullet. Fortunately, the bullet is magic and you can summon it back to you or teleport to it. Using this unique ability, you must survive as long as possible in the chamber. Here is a screenshot of the game and the link to the game page: