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What are the most rated games from this jam?

A topic by adrvapor created Aug 06, 2019 Views: 796 Replies: 16
Viewing posts 1 to 10

Our team is very happy with the 18 reviews we got so far, but we've seen games with up to 60 ratings and we're wondering if we're falling short... We'd love Mark to notice our game and give us feedback as the master in game design he is, but we're afraid that our game could be too unpopular for that to happen... How many ratings should we strive to get? How many have you guys got?

Plus, we've tried some pretty good games, but we'd love to play the very best ones made for the jam and see their take on the theme. It seems that the entries can't be filtered by popularity, which would be great for both trying popular and unpopular games... So, what are the most rated games you've had the chance to play? Or, if your game has got a ton of ratings, please link it to us so we can take a look at it!

Obligatory self promotion, our take on the theme was "Only one platform", but you can move it with the mouse, a concept which let us create puzzles and challenges that we believe are very interesting. Take a look if you'd like!


People are really kind and I seem to have gotten quite nice number of ratings. Thanks a lot guys.

Soulward is probably the highest rated game from what I have seen - around 160ratings


Whoa, that's a lot of ratings! I'll check it out...

I've seen you all around the community tab! One of my colleagues did try out your game, and he said it was good, so I'll try it as well when I have the chance ;D

First of all it doesn't really matter if you have a lot of ratings, I think it's also matters if they are good or not.

Also if you have time rate that game. Not mine, but I loved it and it has only a  few ratings.


I definitely agree, but it's certainly encouraging to see that a lot of people are playing your game. And yeah, thanks for the recommendation, I'll give it a try!


I've seen everything from between 80 and 1, so I'm not really sure what's what. I think the lack of a sort by ratings feature is better for everyone because it will prevent an unequal distribution of ratings.
By the way, love your game! Definitely one of the more original submissions I've seen!
Consider checking out our game :)


That is definitely true... At least I hope once the ratings are disabled we can filter them.

Thanks for taking the time to play our game! I'll check out yours asap ;)


Thanks! I agree, I've seen some wonderful games this jam but there are so many to sort through!


I have 48 reviews for now and I think it's pretty good!

You can try it here!
I check as many games as I can since I'm on mac and can't play win games :'( 


Wow, that's a lot of reviews, congrats :D I'll try it asap!

Sadly we only released a Windows build... We tried to release a WebGL one as well but it didn't work very good :(


Webgl is crazy with everyone I think haha :D


You can sort by the amount of rating here.

I don't think the ones with 'the most' ratings will be in the top 100, i think it will be the ones with the highest average star counts, that would make more sense to me than what is popular. so we should try to get everyone at least 10 i think.


Yeah, 10 is a good measure to see if a game is good or not. Some people are very critical and others are super positive, so it evens out...

Btw I thought that link still showed games with 0 ratings, it's great that they're increasing the minimum, so that more people with not enough reviews can get more.

Submitted (1 edit)

Not mine but really high number of reviews:

and this is mine if you want to check it out :


Cool, thanks for the recommendations :D


My puzzle entry has gotten a good amount of ratings/feedback but no amount amount of feedback is too musch especially because i plan on developing the game into a full release.


Yeah it does seem very difficult to get ratings, I'm hoping the ranking of top 100 has to do with more of an average like others have said. Although I somewhat doubt there is a complex algorithm behind the scenes haha. I'll check out all these games and start rating the unranked ones!