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A member registered Jul 27, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks so much for playing!

I gave it another shot after you told me this, my mistake for not reading the instructions thoroughly! It feels great with the movement. Very frantic trying to stay on the platform. Great work!

This game visually looks very good. There are some real neat effects here. I particularly like how platforms light up before they disappear, not only did it telegraph that info to me but it looked real slick too.

My biggest complaint is that it doesn't really feel like the player has a lot of say in what happens to their character. I realize the theme is "Out of Control" but I really think that you could preserve that experience even if you allowed the player to move ever so slightly. This may also be a balancing issue. If bombs spawned less frequently the player would have more time to make tactical decisions.

All in all this is a great submission. Well done!

Thanks for the feedback!
I would say the closest genre this game fits is "flight sim" because that's what I loosely based my control scheme off of. It's definitely rough around the edges and needs more polish to be functional in a way that is intuitive to pick up and play. Unfortunately I don't think that will be very easy to do with a mouse track pad. That could be a really interesting design challenge though!

Clever idea with great presentation. I appreciate the path finding work that went into this. I did run into an issue with getting the character stuck on the corner of a square once, but rebooting the game fixed it. Well done!

Thanks so much for playing!

This works very well! A really clever take on the bullet hell genre. Great work!

Thank you for the feedback!

Clever! I thought the air pressure dropping when you hit a rock was a nice touch. Great work!

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it!

Neat! I felt like this game really shines when you realize you're about to lose an engine. Definitely makes you rethink your strategy!

The neutron's velocity is separate from overall temperature, but going through the cool water will reduce both.

This works really well! It was a real challenge to try and figure out where the train was on the map all while tracking the other trains. The presentation is also very good, as I didn't struggle with the interface at all.
I wonder if speeding up the text would add to the tension of this simulation? I found that the pace slowed down a bit when I was trying to locate the train by prompting the driver to look out the window. Since there are a few repeated lines of text this slowed me down.
Overall, it was very satisfying to regain control of the train and direct it to safety. It reminded me a lot of the board game SONAR (which is a very good thing)! Well done!

Thank you so much for your feedback! I'm really glad you enjoyed my game so much. I spent a lot of time tuning the simulation to get it to behave the way that it does and I'm so pleased that you enjoyed interacting with it!
When I first put together the controls and tested them they were difficult for me to handle and I had every intention of fixing them, but after a couple of tries I too found it very natural. I still intend to clean them up and allow for some customization to help players get over that initial hump of the difficulty curve (well, cliff in this case).
I wanted the coolant to give the player indirect control over the reaction, but I hadn't considered making other neutrons interact with it. Currently, neutrons that are not under the player's control move at a constant speed, while the player's neutron increases in velocity (until they go through cool water). There's no reason that I couldn't treat other neutrons the same way, it would also probably add to the chaos of the simulation if neutrons were speeding up!

This is a lot of fun! Very straightforward, but still managed to surprise me with different configurations of enemies. Well done!

Thanks for giving it a shot!

Thanks for the feedback!

Very well done! Definitely challenging and I had a lot of fun with it. I would suggest using a different font, but otherwise I think this is an excellent submission!

Thanks for giving it a shot!

This is clever! Surprisingly challenging. Well done!

Great work!

Thanks for playing!

The game looks great! Very polished with lots of juicy feedback. It is however very difficult to play as you can't very easily line up your shots.

Thanks for playing!

Great work! I felt that the deflection mechanic was sufficiently juicy - that is, it felt really good to interact with! There are some clever ideas here with level design too. Some sound effects and music would definitely make the experience better, but as it stands this feels like a solid submission.

Thank you so much for playing! I know the controls are really rough, so thank you for taking the time to work through them!

This is certainly challenging! Once I sorted out what all of the command cards did, the game really unfolded for me. The level dynamically changes in a way that keeps you on your toes. Well done!

This is a clever concept! Great work!

Thanks so much for the feedback!

Thanks for playing!

Oh no! I'll have to investigate that one.. Thanks for the feedback!

Congrats on your submission!

I think it's a great idea and it is certainly challenging. When I got things working I did enjoy myself, however I'm on a QWERTY keyboard and the camera controls were designed for AZERTY which made managing camera angles while hot-swapping agents cumbersome. 

Very nice! I think there's some pretty solid puzzle design here, and I really enjoyed solving the puzzles. A little bit of music and sound would have made this an even better experience!

Thank you so much for all of your feedback! I think most of the problems people are having definitely stem from the poor flight controls. I'll be honest, it never occurred to me to control roll with the keys and yaw with mouseX. I'll certainly be doing some experimenting with that.
Once I sort all that out I'll do another pass over gameplay and balance. I had plans to implement three difficulties for the game but I ran out of time. There are a couple of bugs (as you can see) that I'd like to clean up too.

Thank you so much for playing my game!

Thank you so much for sticking with it and giving my game a shot! I really appreciate the feedback!

I think when I go back I will be re-thinking the control scheme, as well as giving the player some different control options. I'd also like to implement a tutorial level that helps acclimate the player to controlling the neutrons.

Thanks for giving it a shot!

Thanks for your feedback!

Great work on the submission! I really liked the music and the little drone buddy is awesome!

I'll admit this was a little frustrating to play. I wish I had some sort of indicator showing me which controls were bound. Maybe as the player unlocks more movement options and experiments to find which key does which you could reveal these mappings?

This was a lot of fun! Definitely channeled the experience of driving a car with a rebuilt title.