For anybody who’s having trouble with the controls: the are on the game’s itch page proper. The arrows keys, numbers 1-4, and the enter key are used. Okay review time:
Honestly I didn’t actually start playing the game until I’d basked in that music for a full loop. Not to mention those majestic sprites. Though they’re goofy looking, I’m actually quite fond of ’em. Good job on those!
Once I did play, found the game to be quite fun. The twist of having to miss attacks on those three jacked heroes was interesting. Though it was quite easy to succeed by mostly spamming the “X” attack. That one was perhaps a bit too easy to miss. Perhaps randomizing what attack or attacks the player is allowed to throw out could have made things more challenging.
Of course, the game evidently wasn’t completely finished, but I had a good time with what was complete. I might recommend that next time you’re running out of time in a jam but still need a game over/win state, just make separate scenes (or whatever GameMaker uses - I’m a Unity user) with simple text that say “Game Over” or “Win” as well as “R to Retry” or something. Then you can just hack in switches to those scenes into your monster and hero health managing scripts, probably.
Anyway, sorry for a bit of a lengthy comment. Bottom line is good job on the game! Enjoyed my time with it.
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