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Matt Chandler

A member registered Nov 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey Davidovichzx, I'm really sorry to hear that!  Does it happen right as you launch the program or can you get further than that?  We had a similar crash in the 30 day build that cropped up semi-randomly during play, but I haven't seen it in the update.  

Hey Joseph, thank you very much for the feedback!  I'll definitely make sure that playable space is more well defined in future projects.  I  really enjoyed Dusty Gorge during the rating period for MVM22 and will gladly give 1.5 a go!

This was a really insightful watch, thank you for the footage!  From what I saw you actually got all but one of the optional upgrades, while you missed the last two 'mandatory' ones: the Blue Key and the Grapple.  You were able to get up to the top of the buildings with just the gun jump which I didn't intend to be possible.  Awesome job!  I look forward to giving Barbarian Rampage a try, and thank you again for your time!

Hey Dan, now that uploads are allowed again I've uploaded a new build that I believed has addressed all the major issues.  If you're interested in giving this a second look, your feedback would be really appreciated!  I really appreciate how much work you put in to not only seemingly rate every submission, but also do it with video.  Thank you so much for helping all the teams out!

This is one of my favorite games I've played so far in this jam, you really understood the assignment.  

This game is juicy, everything seems to have an animation and sound associated with it, the movement feels really good.  I particularly love your grapple, it shows you put a lot of time into it.  Not only can it bring you places, but you stick where you land, if can be used to pull enemies, or even pull you towards the boss.  Fantastic.  I really liked that the boss could also grapple and dash just like you.  Great animations and art style, glowing praise from me awesome work for such a short amount of time. 

I think the only piece of criticism I have is at first it was hard to tell what pieces of wood were part of the foreground and you could run through, and what ones had a hitbox to block you.  I realized they're a different color after a bit, but some more clarity on that somehow would be good. 

I really liked this game, especially the feedback on damaging enemies felt really nice.  I do feel like enemies might have too much health, if they're running towards the player it's really tough to kill them and not take damage.  It seems like the player can't attack fast enough.  I also found that I think these platforms are a little too close together to allow you to jump back up.  I had to use coyote time to jump up, if I jumped while I was still on the platform the character would bonk their head on the platform above and the jump was cut short.   Awesome submission though, thank you for the fun!

This is incredibly helpful, thank you for the detailed suggestions Boqui!  I'm planning to implement all of these. 

Hey Stealthnachosgames, thanks for the detailed feedback!  I have the UI bug finally fixed, so the HUD, main menu, pause menu, tutorial prompts work and with controller too.  Just waiting for uploads to unlock now and push a new build with fixes.  I'm glad you enjoyed your time despite the bugs!

Thanks for the feedback and giving us a try Falass!  I'm working on trying to figure out what exactly the cause of the crashing error is and get a fix uploaded as soon uploads are unlocked!  Really sorry it cut your playtime short.  

Hey Dan, thank you so much for the detailed feedback!  I'm working right now to fix the issues with the build and submit it to SMVM, but not really expand it.  First things I'm gonna do today are fix the game page, and add some juice to the save sign like you suggested.  

This video was really helpful, thank you again!

Love the pixel art on this game!  I feel like the controls are a little awkward, but that's nothing that can't be adjusted easily.

I found that if you input jump and then attack, you gain extra height.  Is this intentional?  I felt like I needed it to get over a couple particular platforms.

Awesome job, can't wait to see more if you continue!

Great submissions!  It's clear that this is still a work in progress, so I'm excited to come back for SMVM and see how it's grown.

I really liked the character design, the magical girl vibe and scythe is really cool.  I also really liked the subtle parallax scrolling on the background.  Seeing the placeholder frames for animations like dash and crouch is neat because it points out to me that you are making the character and animations from scratch!

If I had one suggestion, I think I would make it so dropping through the platform is just holding down for a little bit rather than hold down and jump.  I'm not sure if that would dash you plans for what the kneeling animation is used for however.  If not, I'd see if on a down input it checks if you're standing on a platform you can drop through and does that.  If not, then kneel.

Awesome submission, can't wait to see more!

Thank you very much Dozambique! I'm working on fixing a lot of the bugs and submitting it for Super Metroidvania Month, so I hope you come back! If you liked the touches on the tutorial prompts you'll love the rest of the UI.  Alex's UI work is amazing, but unfortunately we ran into a packaged build only error that made it not work and I couldn't fix it in time for submission. 

Thank you very much Feared Fox!  I spent a lot of time bug fixing and trying to make the grapple and swing feel good.  Still not perfect but it makes me happy to hear you liked it!

Super cute game, I think the artstyle and music is really charming, really liked the parallax scrolling on the background.  This definitely feels like a throwback to some older platformers!

This game was really hard, it could use some tutorials but it sounds like you know that already.  I would have never thought to hit a tree with the characters tail.  I loved the juice in it in this game, however  I would have probably gone with a different sound effect for hitting someone with an acorn.  

Great submission thank you for the fun!

You clearly understood the assignment.  Great Metroidvania with a lot of polish and a lot of content!  I particularly liked the cello in the music and in a jam I'm surprised to see a map screen, forget one that lets you place custom markers!  

If I had to give criticism, I think I wish the jump had more control.  Its really fast and it was hard to jump and shoot things in the air.  

One of the best I've played in the jam so far! 

Hey Boqui, thanks for the honest feedback!

If you're still interested in giving the grapple a try, if you download the first file 'Movement Playground' that's a stripped down, greybox room with just the movement upgrades and a place to try them.  I havent seen the movement playground crash, it seems like just the normal map.    I'd love your opinion on how the grapple and swing feel and any other suggestions you might have for making a more satisfying controller!

I love this game, great polish and great theming and fun writing!  Stuff like keeping count of play time is totally optional but shows great care.

The wall jump was really cool, but it felt really unintuitive that it was a stick to the wall, and then jump in the direction of your input.  It took me a while to get used to it down.  Once it dawned on me that the wall sticking was a goat joke I was good with it, but it might need a little bit more adjustments getting it to feel good to new players.

Thanks for some great fun and laughs!

Really juicy and funny game, picking up the glasses really made me laugh.  I liked how you taught the player about the mechanic with the text coming up in the background.  I did find it a little unintuitive that the glasses were changing the level and not just revealing that something was there, but once I got used to it it was no big deal.  I do feel like the spikes are a little hard to see, especially the very first ones that appear since the player doesn't know they exist yet, but again was all good once I knew to look out for them.

Thanks for the great submission!

Love the style of this game!  Your tutorial messages are really great.  Awesome feedback, awesome art.  My game actually uses a very similar style grapple and I really loved seeing another submission use a pull and swing, especially getting it so early!

That said, I did have a lot of trouble controlling it.  It took me an embarrassingly long time to get out of this screen and longer for the next few.  These tutorials might need to be made a little more forgiving, but I know the struggle of balancing making sure the player has learned to use it and not making it too easy that there are other ways out.  

Awesome submission!

I'm really impressed with the level of polish this game has.  Working settings screen with resolution settings and a map in particular!  

I couldn't figure out how to use a fire, I assumed they were checkpoints.  When I died I went all the way back to the start too.

I see you also have feedback on when the charge projectile is ready with the particles turning red.  This is great, but I'd make it a little more dramatic as well.  Have something noticeable like a flash happen the moment it's ready and not just the particles are now red.  

Great submission!

This game is super cute!  Love the theming and love the sounds.  I particularly really like the sound and visual on blocking a projectile!

I had a really hard time with the screen where you are shown how to dash.  It was difficult to get from the top platform and dash over to the left for me. 

Great job!

Loved this game!  This is one of the juiciest games I've played in the jam and I really appreciate that.  Every action seems to have a sound with it.   Really liked the dark portion too.

While I praise the juice, I think it might need to be toned down just a tad on landing on the ground.  I'm not sure that needs screen shake and maybe just a less dramatic sound effect.  However I'm happy it's in! 

This fixed it!  I edited my comment.  Thank you!

Google Chrome, version 120.0.6099.72

Really juicy game, and the combat is pretty hard but seems fair.  I think the character movement speed is too low, but really liked the presentation!  

(1 edit)

Having trouble getting this one to run unfortunately.   It lags for me and when I checked tasks manager chrome is taking up all the CPU power and this is my only tab.  Any suggestions?  Would love to play it more!

Edit: Turning on hardware acceleration fixed the issue!  Really liked this game, especially the footsteps and music gave it a lot of ambiance.  I really liked reading the lore too.

I think one suggestion I would make would be to have the 'Press S to push/pull' text only visible if the player has the upgrade for it.  I found the push/pull block on the bottom level before I found the arm so I thought it was a glitch. 

Awesome game!

Really loved this one, opened up the game and I was instantly felt the spirit of Metroid Prime.  This game is very juicy, love all the sounds on actions, visual effects when you shoot things, enemies dying with effects ect.

My two pieces of criticism would be I think the rooms that deal damage to you when you enter deal damage too fast, but your generous checkpoint made up for it.

And I was sad that I went to hit escape to try and pause the game and it closed, making me lose my progress.  Really great though one of my favorites I've played so far!

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This is really great as a first game project, I'm impressed!  This might be the juiciest submission I've played so far this jam, really loved the sounds for all the actions.  When I got to the spike field I thought I was stuck but decided to try and see if there was a Hollow Knight style pogo and was happy to be right!  Really like the spin jump animation too, Samus would be proud.  

I think my only real criticism is it feels to hard.  One hit deaths are really punishing, but maybe that's what you're really going for.

Awesome job, can't wait to see more from you!

I really liked the summoning the void mechanic, and when I was told to open the map I was surprised by how big it is!  

I think one piece of feedback I have is these platforms pictured might be a sliver too far apart from each other.  I noticed it looked like the character only got up because of what I assume was the capsule collider catching the edge and popping me up.  It's good that you have that quality of life feature to help platforming though!  The music was choppy for me, but it sounded good.  I dunno if that's intentional or a webgl bug.

Awesome job!

I loved the theme and the self imposed challenge!  This game is really fun!  The only thing I think I'd add is there should be some feedback when you hit an enemy.   I was confused if I was doing damage to the farmer until I beat them.  I think just reusing the flash the character does when being damaged would do!

It looks like this game only has a mac .app file in the download.  If you package it for Windows I'd love to try!

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I really like the theming and design of the character.  Their sword being a clock hand is really cool.  Time was one of the themes I was rooting for to win the jam!  I like the concept of the health bar being the time left as well.

This could pair great with a killer music that's about how long you have to get to the top!  I had a bug where twice jump inputs wouldn't trigger for a good 10-15 seconds.  Not sure what caused it but it happened each time after having an interaction with an enemy.  I was able to fix it both times, but I'm not sure if the glitch fixes itself after a certain time or if it was because I was inputting wall jumps or dashes trying to trigger it.  

Nice job!

Hi GDeavid,
Thank you very much for your specific feedback! What do you think would feel good for a grace period before the slide begins?  The character stays at the contact point for a moment before beginning to slide down?  
There is certainly a lack of polish right now, after fixing the bugs that broke the UI and music I'm hoping we can get some more polish and juice into some aspects of the game.
Thank you very much for your time!

I really liked how juicy this game felt, the fast fall speed kept things really snappy!  The opening narration was a really nice set up too.

I think I would try and add some vertical dead zone to the camera,  when the character is center screen and jumps a lot and fast the camera moves up and down a ton. Really liked this game, awesome job!

Really great entry!  I loved looping back to the first room after the double jump and really appreciated that the game auto detected my input and swapped icons!

I think the platforming is a bit difficult, I'd probably give the player more air control, but the working ledge grab made up for it.  I'd give some juice and feedback to hitting enemies and boxes as well.  A little hit pause or making them flash when hit.  Can't wait to see more from ya'll!

Finally, Silksong.  I really liked the juice in this game, the sounds and hit stun made it feel impactful!  I thought the first few times I saw this background rock that it was a collision I could jump on though.  Once I learned I didn't do it again but can be confusing at first! Great job!

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I think I might be bugged?  I load into what looks like a sample scene and my jump height isn't high enough to get out of this room.  I can't figure out how to save my progress either, it looks like there's a J on the art but J key didn't do anything.  Restart level and level selection seemed to just black screen. If I'm doing something wrong would love to know and give it another try!  

Edit: I did really like the screen shake on landing a jump too!