Semi-on-the-fly comments:
- Controls are QWERTY-only instead of layout-independent, BUT arrow keys are enabled, although without strafing.
- I like our magical staff. :)
The enemies are super cute! :) And you managed to animate them.
And I like the valleys too, with the ‘squary’ shadow near the top. :)
I also like the way the die is shown rolling. (By the way, a coloured die instead of a numbered one is original.) - I think there should be some limiting mechanic against shooting, because otherwise, you can just hold the left mouse button constantly.
- Is there some difference between the different types of enemies, such as health? I did not notice.
Ah, maybe in speed! Reds seem quicker (while I am going back, they seem to go at about the same speed as me).
I agree with ArmedChair and RabbitDev that some variety in enemy behaviour would have helped, because each colour more unique, with a different playstyle. - Ah, managed to have the enemies slide on the slopes while I was descending! :)
Bug: the purple enemies stay stuck there !
Then some were stuck at the bottom on the floor, again, so it may be because of the slope.
- I notice the clouds now; also cute to see how they are elongated. :)
The visuals are a nice base and go well with the colour-changing concept! I just wish there was more variety in gameplay, including both enemy behaviour and how we can act (shooting).
Otherwise, super cute; do not hesitate to reuse your graphics and idea.
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