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A member registered May 31, 2022 · View creator page →

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There's good weapon variety, each one's interesting in it's own right and having to roll for them keeps the fights interesting. 

The narrator introducing the bosses is a neat way to hype up the fights, but it gets old having to wait through it each time you respawn. 

It would be nice to have some air control, I think it would make the movement a lot more intuitive, especially since you implemented wall running (very cool btw) and designed the last arena with moving around a lot in mind. 

I like your pixel art, the character designs are interesting and your skills will only improve with time. Miau especially is very cute! Be careful in the future to make sure the pixels are all the same size, it'll make your art fit together a lot better and feel more cohesive. For a first game though you did a great job, hope you keep at it :)

I love the way this game looks, the spinning background and self-building bridge are real trippy. The slash effect can be a bit disorienting, but honestly it might be cool enough to justify itself, and you clearly accounted for it by making the player invulnerable during the animation. The music also fits the game real well. Overall good job :)

There's some good ideas here, and I think with some tweaks and polish it could be pretty solid game. 

The first boss is quite hard (as many have pointed out), and while it was frustrating and I do think difficulty tweaks are necessary, it felt doable and I found it to be engaging. Rolling fatigue or boss buff honestly didn't change the fight much in my opinion, but rolling double down felt like an auto loss. Fighting two of the same simple boss at once is generally a good way to make a fight more interesting, and would work here if the difficulty is toned down. And while it's very on theme, I'm not a fan of a boss' difficulty being determined by which random buff it gets. I'd say if you want to keep the spinning mechanic make the different ones more comparable difficulty wise but unique in how they affect the way you have to approach the fight.

The second boss was less difficult but still pretty challenging, and it's a unique concept for a fight that I haven't seen done before, but the time spent just waiting for the coin to fall made it less engaging for me personally. Also idk if it's intentional or a bug but the damage zone on the bottom does two hits of damage which I felt was overly punishing, though the coyote time did help remedy that and was a nice touch. 

The third boss is where I gave up, I just couldn't envision myself beating it. The double cherry attack felt particularly unfair, especially when paired with other attacks. 

Anyways I've yapped enough, the game has potential, and there's lots of little details I like, such as the cards as health and the little cane spin you do when you stop moving. Good job :)

Gambling but awesome 

Thanks! Your game's also one of my favorite entries so far :)

Simple, dumb fun at the most primal level, just smashing robots and blowing them up, sometimes that's all a game needs to be enjoyable. 

I like the idea of spinning the mouse to spin your weapon, incorporating the theme into the control scheme is always nice, but I pretty quickly gave up doing it and ended up just holding left mouse most of the time. Also is there a strategy to beating your doppelganger? I managed to win eventually but it felt like it was just up to luck no matter what perks or weapon I had equipped. 

Anyways the game was a good time overall, and the customization was a nice touch :)

Thanks for playing :)

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback and for playing! :)

Making it colorblind accessible was something I thought about but never took the time to do. If you don't mind me asking, were there any particular parts where the directional colors were muddied or was it just in general? 

Really good use of such a simple mechanic, each boss has it's own unique way that interacts with it, making the fights pretty interesting and memorable. It's more of a nitpick than anything, but I think a sound effect or visual indicator on the boss for when the damaging phase is about to end would be nice, I'm usually too focused on hitting the boss to notice how much time is left on the hourglass and occasionally take damage cause of it (skill issue). 

It's a very well made game that I had a lot of fun playing. And the subtle music changes were a nice touch. Great job! 

Nice! Thanks for posting a video of my game, congrats on beating it! :)

This felt great to play, there's so much juice , the tutorial made it very was easy to pick up and everything generally flowed together nicely. Difficulty was on the easier side but honestly for a game jam that's perfectly fine, and the pb system helped scratch my itch for more of a challenge (best I could manage is 3:53:92). Very impressive game, it was a lot of fun! :)

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! Making the second boss more clear on how to beat it is something I intend to look into, as it's been a problem for multiple people. Glad you had fun tho! :)

Thank you!!! :D

Thanks for playing! Glad you liked that little detail :)

That's some high praise, thank you!! :D

Thanks! :D

Thank you :)

There are some neat ideas with the bosses attack patterns, like the bear traps making the player choose between using your bananas to get rid of them, risk getting close and using your melee to break them, or avoiding them entirely, but most of them leave the player waiting around a lot and as a result the fights aren't the most engaging. 

This is a really polished and well made game! The bosses were challenging but for the most part felt fair. The circular arena mechanic is a neat idea, the rotational movement is smooth and responsive. I like the hiveblood-esque hp regen system, and the artwork is quite nice as well. 

Well done, rock and stone! 

This was fun, I like the bosses and how you reward the player for risking a perfect dodge. One small critique I have is that the game could use more juice, like when you get hit have a noise play and maybe add a bit of screen shake. A little hitstop would fit the perfect dodge really well I think and would add a lot more oomph when pulling it off. It's a well made game though, and I enjoyed playing it :)

This was pretty cool! I like the artwork, the environment design is especially good, very nice atmosphere. The story was solid for a game this size, the twist was a nice touch, and I enjoyed the ending :)

(1 edit)

Love fighting deep sea horrors beyond my comprehension on just a lil raft. 

I downloaded the game but since I use a 1440p monitor and the game's native resolution is lower, the viewport was pushed to the bottom left corner with a big gray border filling the rest of the screen (seems to also be the case on the web version when in full screen, changing the stretch mode to viewport in project settings should be a quick and easy fix). 

The vibes were my favorite aspect of it, love the feeling of being alone, out at sea, in the dark, not knowing what might lurk below. It was challenging, but I made it all the way to ??? before the game stopped progressing. 

Nice job :)

Thanks! :)

Takes a bit to get the hang of it but it's really cool! The concept of your own tail being your ammo reserve and needing to eat it to reload is badass, and it adds an interesting element where the more resources you have the harder it is to dodge attacks.

The fight was a good challenge, I like the snake inspired hazards that spawn in later in the fight, and it was satisfying to beat it after a couple tries. It was a bit annoying though when you run out of ammo and extra tail, so you either have to wait for the boss to drop some purple or die on purpose. 

Vibes are great, love the abandoned facility aesthetic, and the humor was a nice touch. Overall I had a good time playing it :)

Thank you!!! Glad you liked it so much :D

Sick game, fights felt very cinematic, and I like the character and boss sprites. 

The final boss, Cerlefes, was my favorite I think. It felt very much like an epic duel between 2 warriors. I like how his attack where he calls down lots of lightning requires either slowing down which makes your attack charge slower, or risk precisely weaving around them which keeps charging your attack at a faster rate and is satisfying to pull off.  The other bosses I felt could mostly be dodged by moving in one direction, I think it's fine for the first boss to be like that since the player's still learning at that point, but generally I would've liked to see more attacks that require thoughtful movement. 

Overall though it's quite a fun game, good job! :)

Glad you liked it! :D

And thanks for letting me know about the bug, sorry you needed to restart

Very slick, I love your artwork, and the premise is charming. Gotta wonder what the cat did to deserve such a fate :)

Thank you! :D

Awesome game! The art is super charming, and it's very fun. Having different weapons to try, being able to choose the boss order, AND having upgrades between bosses gives the game a lot of replay value despite how short it is, after beating it the first time I felt inclined to go back and beat it with the other 2 weapons in different boss orders.

One minor issue I ran into was that if you're still holding left mouse after you defeat a boss it'll instantly select one of the upgrades before I could even see them. 

Otherwise though I had a great time all the way through, really nice work :)

Thanks! I'm flattered you think my game could win :D 

Also thanks for your feedback, I don't blame you for not wanting to try hard mode lol (I'd be surprised if anyone has, I think I made the normal difficulty too challenging as it is)

Thank you! I appreciate the feedback :)

Dude this was really fun! The controls are easy to grasp, and it was challenging but the hitboxes are generous so evading is super doable. The art is very cool, it's chaotic in a way that's not too distracting from the gameplay. And the soundtrack is fire. 

My only complaint is that the spin mechanic feels unnecessarily tedious, I don't think it adds much and I enjoyed the game more when I ignored it. 

Overall though I loved every second of it! I'll miss my robot friend that gives me gifts :)

Cool game, I like the weapon variety and upgrading a weapon to the next level and then rolling it is satisfying when it happens.  My main critique is that the bosses each take a while to beat, and most weapons, even at level 10, didn't feel like they were doing all that much damage. I enjoyed it tho, nice work :)

It was something I became aware of and leaned into, but it wasn't my intent to make a passive game. I mostly just wanted to come up with a unique and interesting game mechanic, and maybe action games not usually being very passive led me to designing a more passive style of gameplay for better or worse. Some of my inspirations include Skyward Sword and Ocarina of Time, which have some pretty passive fights that require patience and observation, so that was definitely a factor. And while it wasn't as big of an inspiration for this, I'm a big fan of Sekiro, which requires the player to be extremely observant and reactive of the enemies attacks, and often encourages you to wait for the enemy to approach. Idk, maybe I'm just a sucker for more mechanically passive games, and that just happened to bleed into my design philosophy.  

Though it was never really my intention for the player to not have to move for so much of the game. The wizard initially didn't have the hazards, and you could beat the entire fight standing still which I found a little underwhelming, so I added the hazards to force the player to think about them and either move around them or try to parry them (though in retrospect I may have overtuned the difficulty of that fight and overestimated a new player's ability to memorize a sequence while avoiding another attack)

Anyways thanks for your feedback, and for returning to beat it. You bring up some really interesting points and got me thinking on the nature of games being more active or passive mechanically. 

Honestly had a lot of fun playing this! The game feels really good to play with how impactful the charge attack is and how satisfying pulling off a block right before the impact feels. 

And I like all the flavor you gave to each of the bosses, a top strapped with axes that chops trees then throws the logs at you is a very creative idea, it was cool when it broke the damn. And the duel at high noon with the gunslinger was very cinematic. 

Overall I really liked it :)

It really means a lot to hear that my game resonated with you that much! Thank you for staying up late to get that lil guy to safety, and thank you for your kind words :)

Wow that's a lotta words, too bad I'm not readin em

Jk, I thought the dialogue was very charming, and the artwork is lovely. I can tell you put a lot of thought and effort into writing and designing this, and I think it's really cool :)

This game is sick, the boss designs go pretty hard, and their animations are very nice too.  

I love the top, hitting it and hitting bosses with it is super weighty and satisfying, and it's pretty fun to ping pong it around. 

Music is good, so is the art, and I had a great time playing it, excellent work :)