Wow! Nice work! Very cool style!
Pug Pigment
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At first try I was stuck on the fourth level. It was very difficult to balance on narrow paths. But the next day I was able to finish the game in 7 minutes. Amazing adventure!
The levels are designed very well for the 48 hour deadline.
The most difficult element for me was a flat surface at an angle. You have to go through it very slowly.

Wow, this game is amazing! There are a lot of similar works on this jam, where you need to put dice on checkpoint in right position. But you add a physics to this process and it became very different, super fun and hardcore game. Also controls feels very nice and smooth! Good job!
Also check my game. Not hardcore as yours, but may be you will like it =)
Ou, this one is great! Really hardcore. Escpecially cannons. I hoped that i will save my progress on green cubes, but turned out its not a checkpoint XD
Great job! May be you will like my game? I was trying to make it hardcore too, but didn't make good balance in time, and will improve it in the future.