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DiabrogueView game page

Diablo style 3D action-roguelike game prototype
Submitted by Detros — 1 hour, 50 minutes before the deadline
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Submitted (3 edits) (+1)

First of all congrats on your first Itch game, you’ve made a very cool survivorslike prototype! Enemy pathfinding/collisions work great too, although I have to say it took me 2 very short rounds to figure out the right movement strategy: I died very quickly when enemies crowded me (I guess that was one of the themes though :) and I couldn’t move anywhere. Maybe allowing to pass through enemies (possibly with a movement speed penalty) would be a better experience for players who are familiar to the genre (and are accustomed to certain mechanics like this).

My third attempt went a lot better - until I got a phone call and met my deathly destiny shortly after reaching level 15.

If you’re you planning on updating the game post-jam, I’d humbly suggest adding a pause and restart button before features/content :)


Hello! Thank you for the constructive criticism and praise. :)

All of the ones you listed would have been included originally, including the weaker collision detection, but they were unfortunately left out due to lack of time.

Most of my time was taken up by working with 3d models and animations (and even then it's not as I'd like), and developing some features from scratch.

I have been using the Godot engine for about a month, many things were new during the development.

As I have time, the game will get menus and new functions. Also, the code will also need a little refactoring.