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A jam submission

Than Winter CameView game page

You open your eyes and you are-?? A? WHAT!? Guide MJ on a journey to meet a friend.
Submitted by Yanagami — 16 days, 11 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
How scary was it?#52.5002.500

Ranked from 6 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Tools used (Game Engine, Art software, etc...)
Tyrano Builder visual novel studio as Engine/Software
for BG used unsplash visuals and highly edited them
for characters mostly draw them myself used bird png's and gecko etc
Music is credited on game page
for maın musıc got permıssıon from Andrew Black the main musıcıan musıcs ı used

What was your team size? (solo devs would be 1)

Anything else to share?
this is a prototype I made myself and ım plannıng to update the game ın future because ı had to cut a lot of story background etc and some endıng and details in game and will redo all art elements for future

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Hey,  nice game!

I like the art style and the writing was engaging if a bit rough at times. The interesting direction you chose and the overall mood and setting is pretty unique. The premise and setup are promising. I enjoyed playing.

I think the horror elements could be exaggerated a bit more as I didn't feel particularly frightened or uneasy. More curious and intrigued than anything else.

Good job and I look forward to any additions you make.


I really like the art, fantastic drawings. The setup is also a cool idea. Get turned into a guardian bird with the goal of protecting this kid? Love it. I did find the narrative a bit difficult to follow, but you say that you had to cut a lot of story, so that makes sense. I think the flow of the writing could also be improved with some more grammer.

Very cool, nice work!


Not really my type of game, but good job. Laughed out loud a few times.


you will get into my video :)

