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A member registered Apr 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Gotcha, no worries! Definitely let me know when there's a jam you're interested in and I'll be happy to team up =) 

Hey friend, I was wondering if you'd have any interest in teaming up for this jam together https://itch.io/jam/the-secret-cult-horror-jam? I really love your style and we're both Godot users so I thought I'd throw it out there. No pressure!

I really like the art, fantastic drawings. The setup is also a cool idea. Get turned into a guardian bird with the goal of protecting this kid? Love it. I did find the narrative a bit difficult to follow, but you say that you had to cut a lot of story, so that makes sense. I think the flow of the writing could also be improved with some more grammer.

Very cool, nice work!

I feel like most jams let you squash bugs after the jam is over, but not necessarily add more polish, features, etc. until the voting is over

Thanks so much for the detailed feedback!

I agree that there's definitely a lack of direction or instructions in the game. That issue might be a remnant of when I was trying to build a purely atmospheric experience where all you did was fish and keep warm. Once I added the monster and additional mechanics I should have included some instructions for players. I think a cassette or journal entries is a great way of going about that and if I come back to this project I'll definitely add those. The lack of menu and options were due to a lack of time, so I'll implement those as well on the next go around.

As for the fishing, the reason why there was a hook in the screenshots is cause they were from an earlier build where there was only a single lure. In the current build you start with one lure and can find a second one, so they actually change. They're pretty hard to see underwater though, I gotta brighten em up.

The slow fishing is also a product of it originally being a purely atmospheric slow burn horror. I was going for something like Iron Lung, and that probably won't change. However, I did used to have a mechanic where you could leave the rod and lure in the water while you got up and walked around, so I think adding that back in will solve the issue of boring waiting.

Thanks so much for the feedback, really appreciate it!

Awesome, can't wait!

Sounds like a great plan! Do you have your eye on any other jams? I'm entering the Dungeon Crawl jam with a friend toward the end of march (their first time).

Nice, sounds like you have a really good idea of how you want to refine everything! You don't come across as defensive at all, just like you're taking feedback seriously, which is awesome. I totally get the time crunch, I couldn't even come up with the proper ending for my project like I wanted to and had to just slap on a text block at the end.

Glad to hear you plan to keep working on it, I'll happily play and provide feedback as you go as long as you want it =)

This was a really awesome experience, are you planning on expanding it at all?

Thanks very much! Originally I was actually going for something like you did with HADAL and have a purely atmospheric experience so I was really pleased when I played your game.

That's too bad, I was really looking forward to yours. Any chance you're going to keep working on it at some point? It looked beautiful and sounded intriguing.

I learned a ton during this jam, really appreciate you hosting it QueenofSquiggles! I don't know if I'll do many more month long jams though, I was definitely pretty close to burnout on this one. If I were to do it again I would definitely take a lot more time to plan. With only a week or two, I have to move too fast to worry a lot about story development or endings, but with a month long you could really pull together a nice narrative or take the time to dive into one or two mechanics thoroughly.

(3 edits)

Nice job, I like the idea of mixing Doom with stealth.  I really enjoy the graphics. Nice lighting, good sprites, and the audio is nice too. I found a couple things I think you could address to improve it even more.

- Kenneth already mentioned the spinning boxes in the first stage. I couldn't tell what was happening when I hopped on em, it just kept turning me around every time I tried to step forward.
- There was a gate that asked for a keycard in I think the second level, but I just hopped over it?
- The first time I got on the elevator, I didn't realize what it was, so I ended up getting off and it left without me and didn't come back down. Maybe have a button you press to call/raise the elevator? It could also be quicker.
- The guards / zombies were way too weak. When you keep picking up armor, it's near impossible to die, and even when they were pressing against me, they only occasionally did damage. Their AI could probably be improved a bit too, because they tended to ignore me or lose interest even if they saw me.
- I couldn't see the bullets the enemies were shooting at first so I was confused as to how I was taking damage. Maybe make them a bright red, orange or yellow so they stand out against the darkness?
- The area where it goes grayscale confused me. Was something happening?

Another thought I had was right now, I personally find that there's a bit of a disconnect between the stealth and the "Kill em all" messages. Maybe push the stealth a bit more and make the enemies way more dangerous, so that if you're noticed, it gets really frantic and scary so you're encouraged to avoid combat? Right now there isn't really an incentive to avoid enemies.

Overall great job! The level design is really cool and I hope you keep working on it. I'd love to see what you could do with it with even more time.

(1 edit)

Nice job! The shooting felt good, it was just dark enough and I like the way the monsters look. The biggest downside for me was that the monsters don't make any noise (that I heard) as they get closer to you so I would find myself surrounded pretty easily and dying pretty fast. Like Kenneth mentioned, some positional sound would be awesome. An ammo counter would also be nice. I also didn't think the music fit too well. Maybe something more frantic or aggressive?

I liked 'purchasing' the door to expand the map and another idea for expanding the mechanics could be the ability to destroy the hives, but more could be spawned as the waves increase?

Good work!

I waited for 15 minutes and it didn't load, sorry :(

Thanks! I've gotten some ideas for updating it and aligning it more with my original plan, so stay tuned for that eventually. =)

(1 edit)

Nice, I like how you played with expectations and the fourth wall break is fun. I noticed during my second run that the game started with no music, but after I touched a wall and it reset, the music returned. I think that the lack of music was really cool so I'd look at keeping that out to build tension the second time. Also, rather than putting the jump scare where it's expected, I'd consider putting it in an earlier level, and then have the game end at that point. That way the tension won't seep away and you're more likely to catch em by surprise.

Nice job!

Great job for a first game! I really enjoy the graphics. Seeing the mountains silhouettes in the distance is really cool. Kinda had a silent hilly feel for me.

For suggestions, I would say some sound effects (maybe just echoing steps or breathing) could really help the creepiness. Also I agree with Kenneth that I don't think you need jump scares for this one, the atmosphere is carrying the experience. If you wanted to keep something explicitly unsettling, maybe have the guy that chases you just follow slowly at a distance and watch you. He stops when you stop, so he's always at the edge of your vision, but always watching.

The only big downside for me was some of the audio volume. Some of those jump scare sounds could really damage some ears, you'll want to make sure they're balanced a bit better.

Nice work!

(1 edit)

Really enjoyed this. Great atmospheric, graphics and music choice. When I started I thought some sound effects would have been nice for picking up the keys, but now I appreciate the dreamlike, otherworldy feel of it without. 

I think I got to the end, but it just restarted the game. If that's what happens, and end screen of some sort might be nice. I also had an issue with the keys where I grabbed all three but one re spawned so I had to go pick it up again.

We love it. Awesome job!

Neat collection of minigames! The sounds you picked actually put me on edge a bit, and some of those graphics are genuinely unsettling (the first game where everyone turns to look at you).

Thanks for saying that, I think that's exactly what I'll do!

Nice job, tackling a 3D project for your first non-tutorial game is impressive. I noticed that not all the crosses disappeared when I grabbed them and you probably already know that the credits section on the menu doesn't have anything. I think it would be cool if the crosses game off a little noise when you're near them. Maybe a low hum or something? Nice work!

Thanks very much, this is some great feedback! The fishing bug is very odd, I'll look into that. There's definitely a lack of direction and I think a lot of that is from when I decided to add the monster actually. Originally I was planning on having it be a purely atmospheric experience, sort of inspired by games like Iron Lung. I ended up getting cold feet and adding the monster because I was worried people would find it boring.  Glad the Linux version worked okay =)


Oof sorry to hear that. Hope the symptoms pass you quickly

Thanks for the reminder, I did completely forget that rule! Is that a common jam rule? I think it makes sense, but I didn't see it for the only other two that I joined.

I'll be honest, I'm pretty sick of working on mine XD It's my first 3D project and I've had to keep testing the same things over and over again. I'm glad I joined because I'm learning a lot but there's a lot I would do differently next time. I think better planning in the beginning would make a big difference because I've had to dump a lot of stuff I had planned. That's what jams are for though! Can't wait to try everyone else's projects =)

text rogue like sounds awesome, didn't expect that

I love a horror game that's also beautiful, nice work!

I think the voting queue is great idea. How long is the voting period again? I personally find 5 to be a pretty reasonable number.

This was a blast, the level design is so good! Very fun music and sounds too.

Very cool, I didn't expect it to be that stressful. The sound design is excellent!

Great concept! It was pretty difficult for me but definitely the coolest idea I've seen so far.

Thank you!

Thanks! I'm really happy with the art, my partners did a great job =)

Thanks very much! Yeah, it was hard to give direction because we weren't really sure how to incorporate the text for a while. In the church, you have to find three larger enemies that drop an organ. After you grab the three organs you can go through the locked door. The blue thing is essentially ammo, you can used a ranged attack by holding the right mouse button and clicking attack.

Thanks very much!

Thank you, I'm glad that made it through haha