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A few questions Sticky

A topic by Ludipe created Aug 06, 2020 Views: 287 Replies: 4
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I thought this was a really cool concept for a jam. I have a couple of questions:

- Making a Wario Ware level means you should have a limited amount of lives and you play until you reach the boss or lose all your lives?

- Should the game window close once you lose all your lives or beat the boss?

- Should the games be windowed or on fullscreen mode?

- Is it ok to have a pause button? What key should it be assigned to?



- Yes, the player should have 3 lives.

- You can either have a restart screen or just have it close.

- windowed is preferable, but you can have it be full screen if you want to. (I recommend a key like F5 to switch between them in case someone has trouble running it in full screen.) 

-Yes, you can add a pause button. key should be P. (I recommend adding a 3 seconds countdown after you unpause.)

I did not understand something... The level should be infinite or it should play until you defeat the boss level?


no, it should have a set number of mini games. after you beat all of them you win. Having a boss mini game is not required. But make sure the mini games don't play twice in one go.

This jam seems super cool! I  do think it could be a little more clear in the jam description that you want full levels (ie a series of microgames with a linking-layer) rather than just microgames.