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Basic rpg combat Clash of the rocksView game page

Submitted by Turtle_coder — 56 minutes, 32 seconds before the deadline
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Basic rpg combat Clash of the rocks's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Core Mechanic#123.0003.000
Game Feel#142.0002.000

Ranked from 5 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Submitted (1 edit)

How does one even begin to describe this game. Finding the language is a near impossibility. This game cannot be described, only enjoyed for the transcendental experience it is. This game is a deep exploration of the importance of identity and the role it plays in interpersonal conflict. Two individuals both having taken on an identity whole unique but fundamentally incomparable with the other on a metaphysical level. What lengths will someone go to when their very identity is at stake, and how does our understanding of self shape conflict. This work clearly takes inspiration game designers like Kojima specifically expounding upon a number of themes endemic to the metal gear series. This masterpiece does not stop there however by utilizing the frame work of a Pokemon game, Clash of Rocks is able to fuse that identification onto the player by rooting it in a deep sense of nostalgia. Most game devs would simply stop there and declare the game a timeless masterpiece, but not this game. This game that is dead set on transcending the limits the limits of the medium. Each piece of the game is crammed with complex detailed meaning. Those less familiar with works from both New-world and European literary canon would easily miss the meaning behind the difference in levels. With the rock at level 2 and the rock at level 999 the game simultaneously offers criticism of the sociable exploitation of natural resources and its destructive nature on both the world and ourselves while inviting us to rethink our relationship with society. It questions the value of the cultural icons we hold so dear in relation the very earth itself. I could go on about this game, but the mere act of describing it is underselling it. For no words could truly explain the deep existential critique the piece strives to have you make of yourself. Should you play this game? Yes, it will change your life, deepen your appreciation of the medium, save your marriage and stop inflation. The only real question we must ask ourselves is for what reason we would ever play another game again when this game has done it so perfectly.  If this game does not win, I will riot.


I'm glad someone did the turn-based combat idea :D Visually I gave this a 5/5, it's clean, cohesive, and simple. Core mechanic is nice and simple, you have an aspect of decision-making as to whether to heal or attack, but once I seem to win, nothing really seems to change so there isn't really a reward. The Rock is still there staring at me! Haha xD Obviously when it comes to game feel, audio and visual feedback is crucial to know you hit or got hit. So I gave you 3/5 on the mechanic, 1/5 game feel, 5/5 visuals, 1/5 audio, and 5/5 theme :) Great stuff!


I can't seem to do anything here. Probably because my 21:9 monitor is not compatible with this? Shame... I really wanted to hit The Rock with a rock.


Its not very good I spent 2 days wondering why the ui text wasn't working so the scripts are primitive


but if I ever get to fixing it I'll let you know. :D