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How do the 7 Skills influence gameplay in the game?
You can choose to gain XP on up to three skills at once, these skills are needed for bonuses on the weapons and also directly influence the game. Player has to defeat enemies to earn XP and look for chests with better weapons.
STRENGTH: By mastering strength, you will find more powerful weapons. Strength is also needed for Knockback bonus
SPEED: Move faster! This also influences speed of your attacks.
AGILITY: Control your weapons with skill! Agility is needed for Special AOE Attack bonus
DEFENSE: Take less damage! Defense is also needed for Block damage bonus
ATTACK: Pierce through the armor of your enemies!
MORALE: Awaken the warrior spirit inside of you! Morale is needed for Extra XP bonuses and Resurrection bonus
DISCIPLINE: Calm and collected! Discipline is needed for Healing boost bonus and will also help you aim further
Team Members Names and Links
Developer - Slavo Banas -
Artist - Michal Platko
Game Engine Used
Gameplay Short Video
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Eu gostei bastante desse jogo, conseguiu passar a vibe de um jogo estilo Doom antigo, me pareceu um Doom medieval. Parabéns pelo trabalho. :D
[UPDATE] v1.0.2 fixes progression bug and crosshair getting too big over time
Hope you have fun playing.
Few tips:
Physical weapons should be used for very quick hits while spells will help you hit the target from furrther away. As you progress, the further you can hit.
Theres an info button in the skills window to help you pick the best skills to level at given time :)
And as you progress, more enemies in bigger groups will appear.
Fun games!